New: Mali business directory


there is something new on!

We designed a new section dedicated to the companies of Mali and their services: the Mali business directory.

Professionals can now present their activity on We offer them two ways of doing it :

> a simple listing, with phone number and address. For free.

> a "premium" listing with a logo, description + a dedicated page with a complete description of their services and products (with pictures, localization on a map). For a reasonable price per year, payable online.

We will now be able to respond to companies' demands in terms of visibility on We also hope this will meet your expectations since you will have access to a list of all the companies offering products and services to expatriates in Mali.

Do you think that section is a good idea?

Please do not hesitate to post your thoughts and comments!



Dear Julien,

The idea of adding  Mali Business directory to the expat-blog is really great and quite useful

for all the expats. The information is quite useful for the expats knowing about the companies

and their various demands not only confined to the jobs but also knowing the various products

and services offered by them.

This is a great idea and  it could mutually beneficial for the companies as well as professionals.

I hope a great success for this great idea.

with regards

Hi msrao!

Thanks for your words ;)
