Syphillis China Visa

Hey everyone,

so i am thinking of moving to china, but i know the medical test for the residence permit requires a full health screening,
unfortunately a few years ago i contracted syphillis, this has been cured and i have had regular check ups to make sure its fully cured however i am worried this would affect my eligibility to get a residence permit, would anyone care to shed some light upon this?
Thank you!

You shouldn't have any problem.

Regarding residency...

There are only two ways to obtain residency.

[1] Marry a Chinese person.
[2] Be an expert and qualify for a Z-visa.

Many people want to move to China, but only a precious few qualify for that privilege. I would suggest that you concentrate on whatever skills that you have. Collect your university documentation, and provide a work history that can be verified.

Best of luck.