Holiday food in Singapore


End of year holidays around the world are such an exciting time of the year, with holiday food playing a big part of the traditions and celebrations.

What are some traditions surrounding holiday meals in Singapore?

Tell us about a few of the traditional holiday dishes and meals in Singapore.

What are some of your favourites?

Are the food that are consumed during the festive season easy to prepare at home, or do most people buy them at the store?

Are holiday meals a big family festivity in Singapore?

Is there a general budget that people allocate to holiday meals?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


Christmas is not a big family occasion in Singapore, except maybe for the Christian minority.
For the majority, Chinese New Year (CNY) which falls on varying dates in February or March, is the major event of the year. Extended families traditionally get together for a "reunion dinner", a multi-course affair in an expensive (often seafood) restaurant. The best places need to be booked months in advance and for prices the sky is the limit.
On the following days, you visit relatives and friends near and far. All of Singapore seems to be on the road and Chinese shops or restaurants are often closed.
The other races have their own main festivals on other dates (e.g. Hari Raya for the Malays, Deepavali for the Tamils). The traditions and recipes may vary, but meals always play a big part in Asia's (and the world's) culinary capital.

Nice write up. Wish to know you more.

Johnken2013 wrote:

Nice write up. Wish to know you more.

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