Holiday food in Ecuador


End of year holidays around the world are such an exciting time of the year, with holiday food playing a big part of the traditions and celebrations.

What are some traditions surrounding holiday meals in Ecuador?

Tell us about a few of the traditional holiday dishes and meals in Ecuador.

What are some of your favourites?

Are the food that are consumed during the festive season easy to prepare at home, or do most people buy them at the store?

Are holiday meals a big family festivity in Ecuador?

Is there a general budget that people allocate to holiday meals?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


The food varies by region and also by how much families spend on dinner(s). In Quito, turkey, baked pig/pork, ham, pan navideño (Christmas bread) and pan Pascua (Easter bread)  are all popular.

Some affluent families have multiple dinners throughout the holiday, one for friends and family and one for close family. Alcohol is also pretty big this time of year, but the main distinction is that they buy the better stuff for the holidays. Some families have what's called brindis de vino or wine toasting with lavish dinner and pricier wine.

But everyone celebrates according to their means. I asked one guy what he's planning for dinner and he replied pollo - chicken. So it varies, my friend's wife made salmon last year for one of the dinners.

I'll report from Ambato or Riobamba and let you know what my girlfriend and I end up eating during the Christmas holiday