Studying medicine in Germany

Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing good. Well I'm a senior in high school this year, I'm from Morocco, and I would like to study medicine in Germany, but I'm aware of the fact that I should study German language and get more than B2, which is what I'll be doing after graduating. But I'm not sure if it's all I need to study there, please help me with any piece of advice you have or any information related to this. Thanks!

There are several official and very informative websites about studying in Germany, which you should consult. One of them is
Medicine in Germany has the highest entry requirements of all university courses, so make sure you are a top student in high school and speak German well. As far as I know, a knowledge of Latin is also required - but the websites can probably tell you more.

Like Beppi mentioned, studying medicine in Germany requires the highest level of academic accomplishment. But Latin is NOT required for admission! There is a required Latin terminology course in the first semester for all medical students that covers all of the technical Latin needed. In addition, having a strong background in biology and chemistry are NOT required for admission but are of course a big help since one will have to deal with these subjects on an advanced level. On a practical level, one lacking any previous courses in such hard sciences is unlikely to get accepted in the first place.

Concerning the legal aspects, here is a link to the English version of the official German immigration department site's page about legal requirements for non-EU citizens to study in Germany. … -node.html