Retirement cheques from abroad

Anyone know how/where etc I can deposit a retirement cheque? My bank doesn't except international cheques and foreign money as with some  other banks I have inquired with. Having so much hassles trying to bank my retirement money. Any help is welcome.

You do not say what the currency is.    I see you are from Australia    That being so can you not deposit it in an Australia bank and then transfer it to a bank of your choice in the appropriate currency ?

Or can you get the authority which issued the cheque to cancel it and maybe transfer it via their bank to the bank of your choice ?

Sounds like you need to change banks to one that does. The problem here is that banks have a habit of changing their rules. The cheque system is becoming obsolete, perhaps you could have a word with your ‘'Dickens'' retirement payer.

The Australian fund will not transfer the money and they only issue checks. As for having a bank account in Australia, this a can't do. I have to be a resident there to open an account.

I already spoke with them and asked if they can transfer the money. Their policy is .... only Australian residents can have their money transfered. Anyone abroad will only receive a cheque. You are right, cheques are becoming obsolete but it is easier for them to do it that way because they don't have to pay fees when transferring money.

By any chance do you have a trusted friend or family member who could pay in a cheque and make the transfer ?

My brother lives in Oz but I still have to have an account there to be able to deposit it. Anyway, he couldn't do it as the cheque is under my name, I need to do it personally as it is above a certain amount.
I am waiting for La Caixa to get back to me. I received an email stating that they will be in touch regarding all this so I hope they can do something.

I believe you can authorise that a cheque made payable to you,  can be paid into a third party account. 

That certainly was possible in U.K

It was not uncommon for people who were the payee, who did not have an account, to sign the back of the cheque and then get say a shopkeeper or friend to pay it into their account

I am pretty sure if your brother asks his bank, and if necessary is insistent,  they will to suggest  an M.O.

You cannot be the first person in that situation