International school

Is Qsi Malta a good school?. We plan to send our kids there. 😊. Verdala was fully booked

If you use the search button you will find a lot of posts about schools including the one you mentioned.

Thank you, I was looking for a more detailed response. 😊

Efedavid wrote:

Thank you, I was looking for a more detailed response. 😊

Hopefully some one can be of more help, good luck.

Efedavid wrote:

Thank you, I was looking for a more detailed response. 😊

As Gozomo said, try the search button, I just did and there are several comments about QSI on a few different topics.
The point of the search button is as much to save members having to repeat their response to the same questions that have been asked many times already as it is to save you having to wait for answers.
