Naturalization abroad exam

I would like to ask you about the required exam for naturalization. I followed the link in website and during registration, they send me an email saying that :

"" You need to pass this Basic Civic Integration Exam in order to apply for an authorization for a regular provisional residence permit (in Dutch: machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf, mvv). It is NOT the exam you need to do in order to apply for Dutch nationality.""

Please advise

That sounds about right; the "naar Nederland" course is aimed at helping people pass the MVV integration exam; it's not aimed at achieving Dutch nationality; not many people try and do this the way you are contemplating.

You're going to have to learn to read, write and understand Dutch at the A2 level in order to gain Dutch nationality.  I think the MVV exam is at this level, so ask them if they will accept MVV as proof for your nationality application.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thank you but I found this link for naturalization exam abroad but it is in Dutch

Wat houdt het centrale deel in?
U krijgt op het centrale examen vragen over de Nederlandse
regels en gewoonten. Tijdens het examen moet u ook laten
zien dat u goed Nederlands spreekt. Bij het examen gebruikt
u de computer en de telefoon. Er zijn drie verschillende
centrale examens:
1. Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving (KNS)
2. Toets Gesproken Nederlands (TGN)
3. Elektronisch Praktijkexamen (EPE)

These are the requirements from the above document.

That's OK, I can read/speak Dutch.  Those are the 3 MVV exams, you will have to take them at your nearest Dutch Embassy that offers this service.  The details for the Dutch Embassy in the UAE can be found by following this link.

Thank you, so what I understand now it is the same Mvv exam.

Naarnl wrote:

Thank you, so what I understand now it is the same Mvv exam.

It certainly sounds like it; my only thought is that it doesn't say that explicitly, which always gives regulators that little bit of wiggle room to come up with the unexpected.

My advice is to ask at the Dutch Embassy where you are.

Expat Team

Thanks , yes sure I will ask.

Cynic wrote:

You're going to have to learn to read, write and understand Dutch at the A2 level in order to gain Dutch nationality.  I think the MVV exam is at this level

According to my knowledge it isn't
MVV exam is only A1. After passing this exam you go further for A2 when you are settled in the Netherlands.

Naarnl wrote:

Thank you but I found this link for naturalization exam abroad but it is in Dutch

Wat houdt het centrale deel in?
U krijgt op het centrale examen vragen over de Nederlandse
regels en gewoonten. Tijdens het examen moet u ook laten
zien dat u goed Nederlands spreekt. Bij het examen gebruikt
u de computer en de telefoon. Er zijn drie verschillende
centrale examens:
1. Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving (KNS)
2. Toets Gesproken Nederlands (TGN)
3. Elektronisch Praktijkexamen (EPE)

These are the requirements from the above document.

During the exam you'll use a computer and a telephone.  There are three main exams:
1 knowledge of the Dutch society ( for example: you know how the parliament works)
2 speaking Dutch: you can understand, speak, write and read Dutch and give answers in Dutch
3 practise exam: how to manage to make a doctor's appointment or to find a job.

Thank you Primadonna, I will check also with the embassy where I live.