Provisional carte de sejour

Hello everyone,

I'm a Belgian woman and will be moving to Tunisia (Kelibia) in two weeks. I will be starting work after two months with a contract. This means i'll be going to ask for a carte de sejour whenever i sign my contract. In the mean time i'll be in Tunisia with a tourist visa which means I should normally leave the country after 3 months. Normally you get a provisional carte de sejour whenever you apply for one. Now my question is, do i still have to leave the country after 3 months when i've got a provisional carte de sejour or is this not necessary? I know a few things about the carte de sejour but this detail has slipped by me. Is there anyone who knows about this or could give me their experience with the quest for a carte de sejour??

Thanks in advance!

I wish I can help....
Best of luck

You don't have to leave if you have the provisional card.