Basketball in dammam/ al khobar

Hi all hope everyone is well.

I cant really seem to find anywhere to play basketball with a decent court nor can i find anyone interested in basketball around here.

If anyone knows wants another player on their team or knows a good basketball court let me know.

Thanks people hope you all have a nice day!

We are looking for a basketball coach to teach basic skills for boys of different ages.  Can anyone help?


I am a Tunisian coach of baskett ball, recently installed at al khobar
I am free for a future interview
if you have an email to send me my CV


I'm looking for a basketball coach based in Khobar, for females.

Contact me if you are interested.

@zakbeya1979 hi if you a female coach of basketball please send me your number

@zakbeya1979 send me your number please

Hello everyone,

Please note that for security reasons contact details should not be posted on the forum.

@seema Nitta, I have already replied to you, kindly follow the mentioned steps > #51f609.svg

Thank you,

Cheryl team