Rehab/medical professionals (santo domingo, san pedro, la romana)

Hello! I am a speech-language pathologist working with an organization that serves disabled children in San Pedro de Macoris. I am hoping to establish more local connections with therapy service providers and specialists in country (Santo Domingo, La Romana, San Pedro area mainly). I am primarily looking for:

Ear-nose-throat doctors (otorrinolaringologo)
Speech-language pathologists (terapeutas de habla/lenguaje o logopedas)
Nurses or physiatrists (fisiatra), especially those experienced with G-tubes or feeding disorders

or other specialists, university programs, etc. that may specialize in working with children or adults with disabilities (e.g., cerebral palsy, down syndrome, stroke, etc.)

Any related recommendations/ideas are welcome as well! Thanks!

Hello Kendra - my Dominican wife needs a speech therapist. THe audiologist that we see at the hospital in Bonao (comes up from Santo Domingo) was going to try and find one close as possible to Moca where we reside. IF you ever get any leads for a therapist that works with adults, I would appreciate it. Might help more than my attempts as I am just trying to learn Spanish myself. Cheers You can PM me is you wish......

Sorry I wish I could help but I have no connections on this.