Extending residence permit

Hi all,

I have signed a contract with for a job in the Netherlands, it is an internal transfer within a global company. They were kind enough to offer me a Permanent Contract.

I will be a Highly Skilled Migrant. I am a NZ Citizen so to my understanding simply need a Residence Permit, which is valid for maximum of 5 years.

In this case would the company typically apply for the maximum 5 years on my behalf? When the 5 years is up, who decides if the Residence Permit is to be renewed?

Do I decide and apply myself? Or does the company decide?

If it's up to the company, then technically they can refuse if they don't want to keep me? Is this correct?

Many thanks

Companies tend to apply for the 5 years card if they have a permanent contract with you.

At the end of the 5 years, if you are still employed, you go to the local office (geemente) and ask for an extension of your residence permit based on your continuing employment.

Company can terminate the contract with you anytime they want (of course, with valid reason and meeting the conditions in the contract) :)