Average professional salary?

Hello! I am New here! My husband just received a job offer for a job in Aberdeen. The salary they have offered is far below what he currently makes in the US (tens of thousands of US dollars below).  This has us thinking the cost of living overall is cheaper than where we live. We are a family of 4, he has 8 years experience in this role, it's an engineering job. What is average/normal/ to be expected in terms of salary? Thank you!!

Hi and welcome to the Forum

From the 2 locations in your profile, I'm assuming this job is oil related.  There is no real international comparison of salaries for specific job roles in the industry.  Unless it's for a key skill for which the company are really struggling to recruit for an essential task, they will always pay the lowest going rate they can get away with locally.  They will know the going rate in Texas and if they've offered you less, it's because of despite the dreadful weather in and around Aberdeen, they can hire people at that rate.

To try and answer your specific question; the Numbeo website does provide a cost comparison service that may help you; this link will take you to their website and a search I just created comparing Midland with Aberdeen.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team