South Africans in Panama

Hi all

I am planning a trip to Panama to look for a new place to live. Any tips and suggestions would be much appreciated.  A few questions
How long can I stay on my visa
On arrival can you suggest a decent hotel or bnb that is not too expensive.
I want a car for a extended period should I buy or rent

You can stay on your visa for 180 days, (if your country is one that has an agreement with Panama) but you can only drive in your foreign license for 90 days.

Where in Panama do you plan to visit?


I will fly from the U.S. to panama city. I then want to travel to various towns to see what that are like and if there is any work opportunities. Looking for a quieter area that is not too remote. One place I was looking at David. I am in the IT business. I also intend to apply for a friendly country visa when I am there. Can you suggest a good lawyer that is not too expensive.


It would be best to find an IT job that will let you work remotely. Jobs in Panama are hard to find for foreigners, and you probably won't like the pay. It's also likely you will be stuck in Panama City. If you could create your own business using your IT skills, that might work too... building websites, marketing, software, etc. Of course an internet connection is important for any of this so check before you settle somewhere.

I live in David, big enough city to have everything we need but not as crazy (at our age) as Panama City. We are retired so not much help with job search. Very good lawyer.