Difference between Employment Pass and S-Pass

Hello guys, I'm not sure if there is a thread regarding this but I'll ask it anyway.

What is the difference between EPass and SPass with regards to the benefits professionally and socially?


There is a plenty of discussion and information available in ‘Visa' category. Do spend sometime to go through those threads and clarify your own doubts.

Simultaneously, google “Difference between S pass and EP”, will get sufficient information.

The S-Pass and EP criteria did change in the past and might change again. It is best to consult the MoM webpage only and not hearsay (or obsolete information) from the Internet.
The durrent situation (June 2018) in short:
S-Pass is for diploma (and sometimes degree) holders and requires a salary above S$2300, EP is for managerial, executive or specialised jobs with a minimum salary of S$3600 (Note: Both salary thresholds are for fresh graduates and increase with higher education and experience).
S-Pass employers must fulfill strict foreigner quota criteria and pay a monthly levy per S-Pass employee to the authorities. There is no levy and quota for EP employees, but MoM will look closely (and might reject) if an employer hires too many EP holders.
Although both can bring dependents (spouse and minor kids) if they earn above S$6000/month, dependants of EP holders can work on LoC, those of S-Pass holders need to get their own work visa if they want to work.
There are no professional or social benefits to any of these two passes.

Thanks to both of you!