Teaching in Thailand

Hi .My name is Ludwiga.I studied in South Africa , but from Namibia...I was wondering whether I stand a chance to actually teach English in Thailand.

Did you take a recognized TESL/TEFL course? Do you have classroom experience? Is you own pronunciation close to UK or North American English? Do you have a good knowledge of the various phonetic alphabets in English? Can you compare the English phonetic and grammatical system to the the Thai phonetic and grammatical system? Can you see and explain a grammatical rule on the go?  Are you able to access resources or devise a lesson plan in any one of the four major language skills? If so, you stand a chance to teach English in Thailand. Alas, some schools don't care of you know these basic skills of applied linguistics -- If you have a university degree you can get a job teaching English, but you would be an unqualified teacher. Take a course and give it a shot. Good luck.  dcb

Thank you David.I will indeed give it a try.