Money from IT freelance work

I have been paid EURO into a paypal account, but I am struggling to transfer/withdraw the money to an account I have here in Bulgaria, (pay pal asks for 6 digit sort code and 8 digit account number but they are 8 digits and 10 digits respectively) this should also be a free process.
MY question is how can I withdraw the money from paypal here in Bulgaria
I also have an account with DSK which is in leva, will DSK accept euro or is there a charge?

DSK will accept the money and convert, but yest there is a charge for incoming Euro transfers over EUR 100: 0.1% min. EUR 6.00,
max. EUR 200.00

I have found the best way to transfer money to Bulgaria to be via TransferWise, having them convert into leva. A great conversion rate and no charges from the Bulgarian bank.  There are quite a few  services of the type now.

I have same conditions (EUR 100: 0.1% min. EUR 6.00) at UBB.

Did you check for possible tax implications regarding the incoming money from paypal ?
And, being an IT-dinosaur myself (process control apps),  what are you doing in IT ?