Advice on teaching jobs in Suzhou


My wife has recently accepted a teaching position at a university in the Suzhou area, commencing in August. She will be teaching English. I will be following her to Suzhou shortly after her contract starts, and I am wondering if anyone can recommend good schools/universities/language centres to approach in the Suzhou area? I have several years teaching experience in ESL, working with both adults and kids, although it is the former that interests me more at the moment.  I will, of course, be doing my own research into this, but any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Hello,may I ask are you still looking for a teaching position in Suzhou?
Currently we have a potential offer in Suzhou and I'm wondering whether you are interested.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Alternatively, you can chat to me on Skype: dfe34eb1c4a72b61, WeChat: sj19830523 to discuss the further information on a more informal basis.

Hi Julia,

Thank you very much for getting in contact with me. Would you be able to forward me some further information about the job? Name of the school/company? The age group and approximate start date? Also, a little bit more information about who you represent, if you don't mind? Thank you very much. You can message me on skype at kian.northcote



Hi,I've added you on Skype.