Working in the USA...

Hi everyone :)
I'd like to move from the UK to the US (maybe Texas) and find a teaching job in the US after my studies.
I just wanted to find out if anybody here has ever done this
If so, what was the process like? How was your experience in the US in terms of the work, culture, lifestyle and other elements? Were there any major differences or similarities between the UK and US?
Any tips or advice would also be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance :)

Your problem will be the visa. Public schools do not sponsor but very occasionally and through a small number of agencies. The only teacher I know of  was PhD Math with years of faculty experience who spent a year in the US to add the experience to her CV.
There are some exchange programs - Google is your friend. Most socalled international schools are privately chartered - another albeit small option. It all depends on your credentials and experience. Google will also give you details on how to get licensed in TX.

That's great thank you :)
I'll have a look at exchange programs in Texas