Temporary residence permit, D7 visa financial requirements


As i understood, D7 visa is designed to attain a temporary residency for a people with stable income.
While my gf is suitable to apply for it & can prove a stable income, it isn't going to work for me.
My income is from investments / periodic sales of shares in ventures. So it's not stable (for example for past year i almost don't have any income, but had a significant deal in a previous year).
Question - can i qualify for a D7 visa based on simply having enough funds on my bank account, instead of proving a stable income?

Thank you!

I am in a similar position, or actually my son.  I hope somebody answers this question.  If the answer is affirmative, how much as a minimum should a person have in the bank?

https://www.americansinportugal.org/res … formation/                                                                         All the information you need is on the link above: The law states that sufficient means of subsistence is the amount of the Portuguese minimum wage (currently 676.67 euros per month / 8,120.04 euros per annum) for the first person and for every other adult in the household it will amount to 50% of the minimum wage and for each child under 18 it is 30% of the minimum wage. Hope that helps.

Hello Hoperto

Would really appreciate if you could please share with me any updates on your application for Temporary Residence?

I am thinking of taking the same route as you i.e applying for Temporary residence, early next year.
I plan keep my existing job in New Zealand to work remotely in Lisbon.

I have researched quite a bit on the requirement of having evidence of sufficient means of subsistence, as per the provisions of Order number 1563/2007, of 11/12, but none of the website mentions if income from employment is acceptable.
I contacted someone at residence.io and was told only income from investment is accepted.

So, my question is, does sufficient means of subsistence include income from employment?

Thank you very much in advance.

kind regards

Hi Enid,

How did it go for you?

Due to some additional factors we've decided to temporally stay in Chile for a year. Now eyes on Portugal again. Contacted the closest consulate and they basically refused to give away any particular information -> going to apply next month just based on having funds on bank account since they didn't refuse this option during the call.

With regards the investment income I was informed by the consulate in Capetown to provide Title deeds and proof of ownership of investments providing income.
So I believe any income must be proven and sustainable.
I did ask how much income was required and was also given to understand to provide as much income as possible so I'm pretty sure that just minimum wage level might not be sufficient.
I'm pretty sure that living in Portugal on €6-700 per month would be pretty difficult in any case?
This might be assessed on a case by case basis though.
Depending on your age and ability to generate income within the economy etc

Also I think a couple would be viewed differently as there would be two incomes.
There doesn't seem to be a concrete number.

I was also given to understand that ownership of property in Portugal would be viewed very favorably.
I am presently preparing the necessary and will give feedback on the site.

Don't know if this helps at all, hope it does!

Hey, did anyone apply with sufficient funds in the bank account and got an approval? I am in a similar situation. I am a fresh graduate, so I still don't work, but my family can support me and put sufficient funds in my bank account in order to apply for my D7.

So did it work with anyone?