Cau Lau! Anyone willing to ship?

Hey Hoi An!

I'm an American that spent 3 months in South East Asia. I'm wanting to eat that delicious Cau Lau again, and alas it doesn't appear to exist outside of Hoi An. So my best bet is to get some of the noodles shipped out of Hoi An so that I can make it myself. Anyone willing to go buy some noodles and ship it to me? Will pay for them plus some extra for your troubles via Paypal or Venmo if that's acceptable. Please let me know! I don't know where else to ask. I would need them shipped to Seattle.

Thanks! =)

Would really love help with this! =(

Anyone in Hoi An looking to make a few bucks?

Try going to,
Saigon Deli
1237 S. Jackson St
and pay them to do the importing

Unless the noodles are available dried, shipping them could have problems due to phytosanitary concerns.

[Didn't see this thread until today as I skipped reading the site for a few months.  Hope the OP is still around.]

Faifoo Restaurant in Little Saigon (Garden Grove-Westminster area in Orange County, CA) makes fresh cao lầu noodles daily, supposedly using filtered ash water sent from Hoi An.  It would be your best bet and least expensive way to order fresh cao lầu noodles from them.  It's easy and quick shipping.

I've never eaten at Faifoo Restaurant, but it's well-known for Hoi An dishes. (Faifoo was the original name the Spanish missionaries gave to Hoi An.) 

As for the claim that the ash water (nước tro -- essential to make cao lầu noodles as well as other Vietnamese food from the North and Central), I don't know if I would believe the claim that it's sent from Hoi An daily.  Ash contains sodium and potassium carbonates so it's not difficult to substitute.  If you want to make those yellow noodles, do what most cooks do: buy Kansui alkaline salt from Asian supermarkets.  The rest of the ingredients for cao lầu is rather commonplace.

Faifoo is on Magnolia in Garden Grove, 714-534-3600.