EP cancellation if current EP is expired

Hi, i am switching job in malaysia my old company visa already expired on 26Feb 2018 amd new company already get 1st stage approval and they help me get special pass for one month. Probably by this week they will submit for EP stage 2 endorsement. But now my old company keep asking for my passport to cancel my expired EP and new company said that no need do cancellation because EP already expired and my joining date is after the expiry of my previous EP. In that case i would like to confirm who is correct my new company the one said no need cancel after EP expired and my joing date is after expiry or old company that keep asking for expired visa cancellation?


New company is correct as there is no valid EP to shorten which is what a cancellation actually is.

That is why you are currently on a Special Pass

Thanks Gravitas, i will post the results here once I settle everything in case someone having similar prob.

Hi, I have Expat English teacher which her EP is going to expire on 10 May 2018, and she will return to London for studies. In this case,i have a few questions, very appreciate with any of your experts advise:

1) Does company still need to proceed EP Cancellation / allow the EP expired "naturally"?
2) If question No.1 is "yes to proceed cancellation"; what will be the fees for EP cancellation?
3) How long does the cancellation will take from the day I visit the immigration HQ?
4) Do I need to bring any tax clearance letter upon visiting or Immigration HQ will have the access to identify? 

Thanks :)

1. It can expire naturally
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. Tax clearance should be started immediately as it needs to be done anyway.

Hi Gravitas,

I emailed to ESD help desk today, I did explain the whole story to them. But they replied me with a checklist for cancellation. It seems like "expire naturally" is not allowed.

It's Malaysia.