Follow up appointment for Bahraini citizenship

Hi everyone,
I've been married to my husband for 4 years (no kidd) and I applied for Bahraini citizenship through marriage as my husband is Bahraini. I was given a follow up card and my appointment is next year. I've been looking for information online on what to expect after this but can't seem to find anything.
Any information on what happens at the follow up and how long is the process etc will be much appreciated if you have been down this road before.
Thanks a ton in advance!

Honestly, it is arbitrary. 

Basically, after you apply and submit the documents; there is one major appointment for an interview which is in Arabic (spend the year you have in learning Arabic) - this happens anywhere from 6 months to 3 years after you apply.  Once that is done and you pass, your application is placed in a big pile and then you wait.  Every year, they pull a certain number of names from that pile and the approvals are given  for citizenship - the sequence is not by time in that pile.  I know people who have been waiting for 15 years or more. 

If you get it then there is a proper formal ceremony where they call you in and hand over the passport. They also take your existing passport and send it back to your Embassy - dual nationality not allowed.

Also, nowadays, they are really slowing down this process - even the police / security forces people who used to get this almost automatically after being here a short time are not getting it.

Thanks a lot! 😊😊