Looking for a Call Center job in Doha. Just need some guidance. :)

Hello everyone,

So I just arrived last week on a family visit visa and I was hoping if someone could help me look for other companies where I could apply as a call center agent.
I don't speak Arabic, just basic words.
I've already sent CV's to a lot of career websites and hoping if there's like a walk in process I could go around. I'm just not familiar with the places yet.
By the way, I was part of a big Telecom Company before coming here, I've been there for 5 years and got promoted to an Operations Analyst. However I don't see myself like that as customer service is really my passion.
Appreciate all the help people. More power to this website.

Keep in mind that most call centers are outsourced to cheaper locations like India or Egypt as these are not considered as value adding jobs.

Even within GCC, for smaller business setups, the regional call centers are all based out of the UAE as it's easier to recruit people there.

That's what I thought too. Thanks brother.