Volunteer in Stuttgart


I am an International Master's Student in Stuttgart, looking for environmental volunteer opportunities in Stuttgart region.

I am interested in all environmental issues.

If any one has idea about any organization which provides volunteer opportunities and are flexible in hours, i would love to work with them.

Best Wishes

The city of Stuttgart runs a vounteer organisation called "Freiwilligenagentur", see https://www.stuttgart.de/item/show/500249.
Mot useful in your situation is probably their online matching service "Freiwilligenbörse", see https://service2.stuttgart.de/lhs-services/fwb.

beppi wrote:

The city of Stuttgart runs a vounteer organisation called "Freiwilligenagentur", see https://www.stuttgart.de/item/show/500249.
Mot useful in your situation is probably their online matching service "Freiwilligenbörse", see https://service2.stuttgart.de/lhs-services/fwb.

The links work better without (.) at the end beppi ;)https://www.stuttgart.de/item/show/500249https://service2.stuttgart.de/lhs-services/fwb/

Oh, soory. The "." at the end was supposed to indicate end of the sentence and should not be part of the URL. I guess the system tried to be smarter than me - but it isn't!

Greenpeace has a local Stuttgart branch:
