Do and don't in Mauritius

Are you living in Mauritius? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :)

Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Mauritius?

Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Mauritius?


Wow big question! Not sure i'll be able to list all of them as have only been here 8 months, but i'll try my best.

First off you must note that Mauritius is a very Multi-cultural island. There are strong French, Indian and Asian cultures all over the island. Religiously I have picked up a Hindu, Catholic and Christian feel (Some beautiful churches and temples on the island). Not to mention the million tourists a year from all over the world that travel to Mauritius. So the island is a very welcoming place to live and create a life.

Do understand that it is an island and things take time so come with an armful of patience. Everyone is very friendly and giving so it does make up for the slow pace of things.

Do not be afraid to negotiate on all things! Rent, food from the fresh vegtable markets, taxi's, salaries, house help, gardeners, everything! Its all negotiable and do not believe the first price you hear. Do some research and ask around, otherwise you could be taken for a ride.

If you are English speaking learn some basic French sayings, words, etc. The attempt of trying to communicate in their language is much appreciated. Although I must say everyones English is so much better than my poor French. So communication is still really good.

The roads and driving is a little crazy. One freeway from south to north and then a single lane coastal road around the island. Some people overtake in dangerous situations so have your wits about you when you drive. If you are drinking get a taxi, there are quite a few police out during the day and night keeping an eye out. Which i think is fantastic. The police are very friendly and great help when asking for directions.

Ok now this is what I have heard from others - if you are a foreigner and you possibly crash into a car or someone (road safety here is low as there are hardly any sidewalks and single lane roads) go straight to the nearest police station. I know its against your better judgment, but the locals could become aggressive and your best bet of making the situation right is to go straight to the police station and come back with them and report what happened.

yah so thats all i can think of for now. if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Mauritius is such a beautiful place to live!