Job information

Hi there,

wondering if i can get a job in Netherlands with English speaking & writing... is that possible? as i knew Netherlands have their own language.
Please advise me??


Hi Sian28,

Welcome on Expat-blog!

I hope other members will be able to advise you.

Wish you good luck

hi i am with the same prob, i am living in eindhoven for the past 2 months, still waiting for a part time job.the real problem with the language,where can i found a job with English language environment

prajoth kuruvilla

hi sian its depends on your luck but its not very easy finding a job without knowing dutch,any ways best of luck

prajoth kuruvilla

Try these ones:



Some information: must have a BSN # this is like a social security number which allows you to legally work in Holland. Get your education diplomas or certificates evaluated at your city hall. They will test the value your education from your home country compared to Dutch standards. Go to local uitzendbureaus in your city or go online. These are agencies that help you find work, or they help businesses find employees. Often will suggest hard labor jobs for little pay, but you can say no according to what you want. City hall can guide you to employment services. If they are rude and say you must speak Dutch first, ask somewhere else. Go to local businesses and offer volunteer or have a day with them to learn about the business prospects in Holland. Look on other expat sites. Place an ad in the paper if you have talents you can turn into a home business. Network and talk to people. You may need to learn some Dutch, but could choose a job where you would have to only learn some basic sentences, fast food, ect. Lastly good luck and don't give up. I live in a "old fashioned" community where it seems everyone says you must speak Dutch to work here, although I have learned Dutch somewhat, I have a job does not require me to speak much Dutch.

Hi Teliana,

Welcome on Expat-blog! :)

Thank you for this useful information. :)