Looking for a football match members

Hey, i'm new here in istanbul and i would like to meet people who are interessed on a weekly football match, or if there is any group who need someone to complete the team.
have a nice day !!  :cool:

Same here. Please let me know!

Okey... if there are a news I'll told you !!

Hello Every one !

Anyone interested in playing football in Istanbul , you can send me a message , i can recommend .
i play in 2 groups in the European side , we play on Saturday Sunday and Wednesday 2 matches each day .
We play mixed matches (Male female ) also we have players from different countries .

Hi, I am a student coming to study in Istanbul from the UK, I am looking for places to play football in as I used to play semi professionally in the UK but studying stopped me from being able to do so!

If your weekly games are still happening I would love to take part and play some football.

Thank you!

Hey how are you, I am coming next week, are the games still ON?! I would like to be part of the games! Please let me know! How can I contact you? Thank you in advance!!!

Im up for a match on weekeends if anyone forming a team count me on its been a long time really we can all gather also and find a good spot and we can arrange a football match if anyone interested we can exchange phone numbers

I would love to join and play with you guys, i can give you my contact information if you send me a message

Check my recent advert Sir

@dekawi hi bro, did you find a place to play football?

Hello falcon955,

Kindly note that the member you are looking for is no longer active.

This discussion is also inactive since 2021.

If you have anything to ask, you can create a new discussion on the Istanbul forum.



Expat.com team

I am not sportive at all, even if I go down and up with stairs 20 times a day. I play chess and nothing serious in Alanya

Thank you

@dekawi helllo are you still interested in a group, I'm also trying to find a group to play with.

Hello Amine Sah Sah,

The post of Dekawi is from 2017. I suggest that you drop an advert in the Sport partners in Istanbul section of the website so that other interested members may contact you.

All the best


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