RE : Residence Permit and Marriage

Hello guys,

Hope y'all ok.

My question may sound a bit silly, but I was just wondering about how things go after marriage in Mauritius.

Does the male spouse need a residence permit ? Or is he allowed to live and work with the marriage certificate ?

I hope someone can assist me with my queries.



Male spouses need a residence permit just as female spouses do Steve :)

Ta, Daisymay2  :)

Does the male/female spouse have to do that immediately after being married ?

Hi Steve, did you marry a Mauritian citizen? If so, you apply for a residence permit. I am in that situation. The Marriage certificate alone is not enough. Cheers, Lance.

Hello Lance,

Thanks for your reply, mate.

No, I did not. It is quite possible that it happens someday. You never what the future holds. Since you are in that situation, would you mind telling me a bit more about the marriage visa ? Will I have to produce any documents to the Immigration officers ?

I wish you all the best with your residence permit. Things will work out ok for you, I am sure.  :top:

Best regards,

Hi Steve, I got married in Mauritius in 2012. I had to produce my marriage certificate, Police Clearance, and you have to have a bank account in Mauritius(then).If I remember also my birth certificate. Best of luck. You can also contact the Department of Civil Status in Port Louis.

We had to apostille my birth certificate in the UK.
(I am British married to a Mauritian guy)