Looking for a Job in Lille!


I am a Franco-Mexican young woman. I speak fluent English, Spanish and intermediate French. I'm having some trouble finding a new job were I can speak English or Spanish. I'm looking in business developement and community management, but Im open to other options. If anyone has an idea or a job offer I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot!!

Hi, all the job offers should be in the aptly named JOBS section.  Please search there and you may post your CV.

Expat.com Experts Team

We are in the same position... its good for you when you have willnes... Did you find it?

Holà yulia,

Soy Ivan y peruano que vivo en Lille. No tengo como ayudarte pero si quieres ir a tomar una copa o pasear. Escríbeme.



Welcome to the forum.

ENGLISH please as this is an Anglophone forum. Thank you.