European deli meat & bread in Jakarta

Hi  :)
Where in Jakarta can I buy European deli meat & bread?

I believe Ranchmarket has such stuff but that requires checking as I never shop there, just visiting once to check out the place.

Ranch, Food Hall, Farmers market, Hero and Kempchicks sell European meats and cheese at European prices. Upscale hotels have the best bread but the same supermarkets and hypermart and Carrefour do some good types of bread but you have to look.

Thank you guys. As I remember (over 10 years ago) when I visited Hero & Carrefour, they only had the white breakfast loaf and sweet bread. I hope this time I can find more variety like baguette, sour dough or rye. Upscale hotel is a good recommendation. However walking into hotel & asking if I could buy bread... Hope they don't look at me oddly  :joking:

Lee's bakery products are pretty good if you can find them. They are in Grand Lucky in the scbd and maybe elsewhere.