The best things to discover in France

Hello everyone,

What have you discovered in France that you would recommend to other expats?

Are there any places that you enjoy visiting on the weekends, be it areas of natural beauty or shopping malls? Are there any French dishes that you would recommend?

What are some of the best activities in France?

Are there any unique customs or places you were introduced to by locals that you think other expats might be interested in? Are there any local festivals that expats might want to get involved with?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


They have great bread and cheese. Not a lot of spices. Today I went to try to find a pepper advertised as Mexican. I arrived and it was a Moroccan pepper with no spice. I almost cried at the store.

My first bit of advice is to bookmark the tourism office of your new town! In Sète, this is not just for visitors - they sell tickets to almost all of the fêtes, concerts, spectacles, etc. You can look through the online calendar to see what interests you, and then make plans.
Aside from that, I absolutely love the fête de la Saint Jean in Perpignan - it is 23-24 June this year, and the town is full of free catalan music and folk dancing, with fireworks at the end! You can extend a visit with a day trip via train to Collioure, or a ride up in the Pyrenees on the yellow train.

Best things is life hard but you can live. Have everything but not easy.