HP/Compaq laptop batteries - where to buy in Mauritius?

As per the title, the battery on the work laptop seems to have died, where is the best/cheapest place to buy a new laptop battery?  A search on the 'net reveals some wholesalers and a few websites however the websites don't seem to sell laptop batteries.

The laptop is a Compaq 6720s.



hi Jay,

Superdist does. You might get out of a Rs 9,000 bill(exclu tva! lol) approx, if you have worldwide warranty for it;

all the best,

Where do you live in Quatre Bornes? If i remember correctly, there is a computer hardware store somewhere near the MCB ATM after the petrol station. You could try checking it out.

Kind regards

You can try to find your laptop battery on  (Moderated: No free ads on the forum please)

If I were you, I would buy eBay, where you have professional and reliable sellers (be sure to check the ratings though).

That's why I did for my laptop and it was cheaper (incl. shipping & customs) than here.

We went to Cash and Carry in Bagatelle - they order one in for you, takes about one week to 10 days.