Language question

could someone tell me what `coinilla` mean in spanish language?

It's not a Spanish word.

The illo/a suffix usually means that something is small so gherkins are small cucumbers - pepinillos - for instance. It could be a diminuitive but of what I have no idea.

So we need some context. For instance are they talking about the bitcoin payment gateway and just using a made up and international word? Have you misheard or misspelled the word?

A bit of context and we may be able to help.

Good answer Culebron. Looks like Spanglish for small change (i. e. A few coins in your pocket). One correct term in Castilian would be calderilla. There may be others, but I can't remember​ them a this moment.

Claxnes. It was not   'cochinilla'  by any chance, or cochinillo  a suckling poig

Look at the original post. Might have been changed by the spellchecker, but one would think that the correction would mean something.

maxidev wrote:

could someone tell me what `coinilla` mean in spanish language?

I would agree it is not necessarily a Spanish word; the only clarification I found is: