Practical driving license exam in English at liege center

Hi all,

Is there any possibility to have english examiner at liege driving exam center ?

Once school said at driving center there will be choices to have Dutch, French or English examiner.

Can any one provide me the contacts of translators available in liege ?

Thanks !

Hello Araj,

Wondering if you found an answer to this as I might be giving the exam soon and would prefer to do it in English.


There is nothing officially planned for the passing of the driving test in English. Because English is not an official Belgian language.

An exception was made for the passage of the theoretical exam in English. But it is to verify that you are well aware of the Belgian legislation.

The only possible system is to go through a driving school. A member could perhaps act as an interpreter with the agreement of the official examiners. But it's without any guarantee.

The examination center on the Liege region is located in the town of Wandre.

Hi sorry if I am late to respond. I could pass my exam.
I had to opt a licensed interpreter.

Driving center personnel cannot act as an interpreter :(.

So if u have a car: take some one with 8 years license and a licensed interpreter.

If either don't have a car or know a person with 8 years license, go to driving center and search for an interpreter to your driving exam.