Guidance on Investor Permit

Dear Expat Members

I am thoroughly confused and hope for some guidance.

I understand that to get an Occupation Permit as an Investor, I have to register a company and bring 100,000 USD to the company's bank account.

My question is, I intend to use this route and have 2-3 business areas that I am interested in and would most likely pursue all 3 business ideas. Would I be within the legal framework if I register a parent company, for instance, XYZ investments, and start all 3 businesses, obviously as subsidiaries but, under different trade names?

It would be great if anyone could please throw some light on this.

Thanks and Best Wishes!


Obviously you can.  The Law doesn't prevent anybody from investing in Mauritius, through the creation of different businesses... though the BOI has sometimes shown some 'apprehensions'. This is perfectly legal.

The Investor permit (and the conditions to send USD100,000) is only required if the business promoter or shareholder wants to physically live in Mauritius. Else, he is dispensed from this and can freely open the number of companies he wants, without having the need to seek a minimum of USD100,000.

Now based on the above, you can:

(a)  If you want to live in Mauritius: choose one of your companies to host your investor permit. This company will have the USD100,000 and obey the minimum turnover criteria required, and

(b)  open as many companies as you want thereafter.  These companies can be subsidiaries (or not) of the company where your investor permit is hosted.

Bear in mind that the above advice is given on the basis that you are not entering restrictive business areas (Eg: Tourism, etc.). If this is the case, then you will need to tweak the whole structure slightly.

All the best