Studying in South Korea

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in South Korea?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in South Korea?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

I think Korea is a good inviroment for study aboard. The inviroment for us progress major . When we are finished our course we can decide stay again to work.

Hi,   I received my master's degree in English from a National university in Korea. If you are going to study here you must understand a couple of things, that I only found out after the fact. #1 Make sure the university is equally evaluated to that of a USA university, otherwise your degree is worthless. Fortunately for me , my university was. #2, A lot of Middle Eastern countries still will not accept a Korean degree regardless of the evaluation of your university. #3, The cost are much cheaper than a USA degree. #4 , Korean professor stifle creativity,it's their way or the highway. This was the hardest thing to accept and I bumped heads with my Korean professors. Which was the worst experience ever. They actually tried to get me kicked out of the university after I had All But Degreed(ABD) my last 2 months. And I know of other students foreign and Korean that were prevented from getting there degree because they disagreed with their professor. With that said, study in Korea going in that now you know more than what I did . And if you can accept that, good luck.


Why are Korean degrees not so marketable?

Hankuk University for Foreign Studies is the most popular place for people to study here in Seoul.  It is geared toward the foreigner that wants to study here in Korea.