

Last activity 28 September 2013 by ymohsen

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Does anyone know if there is available in Cairo the e-cigarette?
Or any city near by? Thanks in advance


Hi Wild
I actually does not know anything about the E-ciagerrete but yesterday an article was published that the Ministry of Health refused that this thing to be sold in Egypt and that it is harmful to health,etc.....


first time i see it was in the tourist movie :-)
it is not allowed in Egypt till now


Thank you EgyptianHisham and amarakl. I think it will be less harmfull for health than the regular cigarettes, but anyway, good to know that it is not available, so i will not search like a zombie from a drug store to annother. :)


Hi wild,

May i know what is the e-cigarette, there were more than one smoking centers in Cairo, so i think yoou will find it there, but if you tell me what it mean i will check it for you,


On the contrary (if this is not a scam)


Hi kkmmnnaa2000 and pandabear! As pandabear give that link, e-cigarette is an electronic cigarette based on battery wich can help quitting smoking, i know there is available in the states and most of the european countries, so i was wondering if there is available here to, but as egyptianhisham and amarakl said, it is not yet allowed in egypt. But if you have any hints in the future, please let me know it. :)


sure Wild i will do because my self need one:D


The article below is from the MOHP media centers portal.

Health electronic cigarette refuses to trading in the Egyptian market
نشر في تاريخ : Thursday, January 13, 2011 Posted in date: Thursday, January 13, 2011

صرح الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين - المتحدث الرسمي باسم وزارة الصحة - بأن الوزارة لم توافق على السماح بتداول السيجارة الإلكترونية بالسوق المصري حيث أن منظمة الصحة العالمية أوصت بأن هذه النوعية من السجائر يجب أن تخضع للرقابة لأنها تعتبر مستلزما طبيا يحتوى على مادة فعالة . Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin - Spokesman for the Ministry of Health - that the ministry did not agree to allow the circulation of the electronic cigarette in the Egyptian market since the World Health Organization recommended that this type of cigarettes should be subject to censorship because they are considered medically mandating contains the active substance.

كما أكد أن هناك أنواعا عديدة من هذه السجائر بمكونات مختلفة تحتوى على مادة النيكوتين التى تسبب الإدمان , كما أنها مادة سامة و بعض أنواعها تحتوى على مادة ال " Propylene Glycol " التى تسبب الالتهاب والحساسية عند استنشاقها , وتحتوى على مواد سامة مثل ال " Diethylene Glycol " ومواد مسرطنة مثل " Nitrosamines " . He also stressed that there are many types of these cigarette components of different contain nicotine which is addictive, it is also a toxic substance and some types contain the substance of the "Propylene Glycol", which cause inflammation and allergies when inhaled, and contain toxic materials such as the "Diethylene Glycol "and carcinogens such as" Nitrosamines ".

كما أنه لا يوجد دراسات سريرية كافية تثبت أن هذه السيجارة آمنة وفعالة عند استخدامها كعامل مساعد فى الإقلاع عن التدخين , ولا يوجد دراسات سريرية كافية تثبت أنها أقل ضررا من السجائر العادية عند استخدامها , وبالتالى فإن السماح بتداولها سيؤدى إلى تشجيع غير المدخنين على التدخين , وكذلك تشجيع المدخنين على عدم الإقلاع عن التدخين , نظرا لأنه يتم تسويقها على أنها بديل آمن للتدخين , وهو ما يتعارض مع سياسة وزارة الصحة القائمة على مكافحة التدخين . There is also no clinical studies sufficient to demonstrate that this cigarette is a safe and effective when used as an adjunct in smoking cessation, there is no clinical studies is sufficient to prove that it is less harmful than regular cigarettes when they are used and, therefore, allow the circulation will lead to encourage non-smokers to smoking, as well as encourage smokers not to quit smoking, because it is marketed as a safe alternative to smoking, which is inconsistent with the policy of the Ministry of Health based on anti-smoking.


Hi Shorouk and thanks for the informations. I still think is just a political point of view, as long in this country more than half are smokers, so the profit is to high to get rid off by putting any products on the market wich can help the increasing population to quit this profitable habit. Anyway, i was looking for it for private use, not as business. I still want to get it, despite the warning. Beside the 100 cancerous substances from a regular cigarette, i guess i prefere the 2-3 on the other one :)


I think Egypt's new smoking law which takes full effect by 2015 is to reduce consumption within Egypt by five billion units when implemented I don't recall if they used cigarettes or le as the specified unit in the last article i read about a week ago.

and all smoking in public places will be banned when they reach the full enforcement under the new law.

I also read where they are going around Alexandria again "now" and rechecking those places they fined or warned in the past and mentioned the fines for the second violations will be doubled at least.


What they will do about shisha places? Shisha is a way of smoking to.


Wild wrote:

What they will do about shisha places? Shisha is a way of smoking to.

I guess they will go same way as in Sudan: complete ban now in public places


Aykalam wrote:
Wild wrote:

What they will do about shisha places? Shisha is a way of smoking to.

I guess they will go same way as in Sudan: complete ban now in public places

I guess it will be a revolution if this will happen here :D


Wild wrote:
Aykalam wrote:
Wild wrote:

What they will do about shisha places? Shisha is a way of smoking to.

I guess they will go same way as in Sudan: complete ban now in public places

I guess it will be a revolution if this will happen here :D

that would be the day...


Hi, anyone who wants to get an electronic cigarette just contact Mr. Amr : +201148872088 (Cairo) and he will put you on the track or call 16718 (Cairo) and you'll be also on the track, both do sell e- cigarette, I quit smoking since 15-9-2013 with the help of the e- cigarette after nearly 35 yrs of sad smoking and yes it helps and anyone who wants to quit smoking i'll give a hand.

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