Absolutely Anything Else

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Does anyone know when Balaton weather will return?
It's been a couple of weeks now of this windy or rainy weather.
I don't mind a short break from the humid heat but summer is so short as it is here.
She is a dentist, you would hope someone with her profession would think more about other people.

We're in Balaton southside now.   

It's been raining this morning but has now become sunny and warmed up a bit but thunderstorms are predicted for later today.  We were wondering what to do. We even considered going to the circus - that desperate!

I believe this weekend it will be 30-31 C.  So if staying the weekend, Friday night to Sunday arvo (Australian: afternoon) would be pretty good.

If she's a dentist, maybe she's thinking a bit of short term pain is worth it for long term gain!

it could be a LONG weekend if it rains at Balaton of course having young children in hand makes things a bit more interesting.
You could always drive over to somewhere that has a mall and do a bit of window shopping or catch a movie with the kids.
I sometimes miss having a younger around, they always keep you busy.
Short term pain for longterm gain, well maybe for her but I am so over her and so far I have not even met her!
I have "strict" standards and so far she has flunked.

klsallee wrote:

*link under review*laton weather will return?

LOL! I think the link paranoia is getting a little excessive here. That was just a link from

Does anyone know when Balaton weather will return?

(Note, I could not even include the actual link -- once one gets "tagged" for "link under review" apparently one can not even create any link to even Expat.com content....  :mad:

They've been messing about with the content filters and clearly overzealously configured it.  There were some test messages a few days ago.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

it could be a LONG weekend if it rains at Balaton of course having young children in hand makes things a bit more interesting.
You could always drive over to somewhere that has a mall and do a bit of window shopping or catch a movie with the kids.
I sometimes miss having a younger around, they always keep you busy.
Short term pain for longterm gain, well maybe for her but I am so over her and so far I have not even met her!
I have "strict" standards and so far she has flunked.

Yes, difficult one with kids but they are not very young - one's a teenager and a sometimes difficult one too! 

If it was sustained bad weather, we'd just go home. 

The lake is quite cold at the moment but it's possible to swim, canoe and paddleboard but only for maybe 1-1.5h before it's too chilly. 

Land based things like badminton or football (the real one) are no problem - easily nice and warm enough for that.

Are you sure your dentist neighbour isn't soundproofing the walls for later use?  You might be grateful for it!

I wish she would sound proof the walls but doubt it, she seems to have a loud mouth, I can hear her giving commands to her workers.. sounds like a real doll...I told my husband if she is a fat mouth we may have to soundproof our wall. She is suppose to live alone but she may be one of those addicted to their cell phones, loud mouth and bossy, well no wonder she is alone.
We may be moving sooner or later so no real problem, whenever we do move I know everyone will miss us because we are actually very considerate and very quiet. We try to mind our own business unless it becomes our business.
I think she is just doing your normal average redo, had new electric wiring put in the walls don't think she will spring for any big extra's, the flat did cost her a pretty penny though.
Think it is only 68 sq. meters and was 40 million.
Not overly large but is a corner unit with 5 windows to the st. basically a good house too.
Nice view of 2 sts.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I wish she would sound proof the walls but doubt it, she seems to have a loud mouth, I can hear her giving commands to her workers.. sounds like a real doll...I told my husband if she is a fat mouth we may have to soundproof our wall. She is suppose to live alone but she may be one of those addicted to their cell phones, loud mouth and bossy, well no wonder she is alone.
We may be moving sooner or later so no real problem, whenever we do move I know everyone will miss us because we are actually very considerate and very quiet. We try to mind our own business unless it becomes our business.
I think she is just doing your normal average redo, had new electric wiring put in the walls don't think she will spring for any big extra's, the flat did cost her a pretty penny though.
Think it is only 68 sq. meters and was 40 million.
Not overly large but is a corner unit with 5 windows to the st. basically a good house too.
Nice view of 2 sts.

When I first moved over we lived in an apartment and one of our neighbours was a single woman with a teenage daughter, they use to have slanging matches, was mainly at the weekend in the might and early morning. Not much fun when you had to get up at 4am for work. Was so glad when we finally bought our detached house.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I wish she would sound proof the walls but doubt it, she seems to have a loud mouth, I can hear her giving commands to her workers.. sounds like a real doll...I told my husband if she is a fat mouth we may have to soundproof our wall. .....
I think she is just doing your normal average redo, had new electric wiring put in the walls don't think she will spring for any big extra's, the flat did cost her a pretty penny though.
Think it is only 68 sq. meters and was 40 million.
Not overly large but is a corner unit with 5 windows to the st. basically a good house too.
Nice view of 2 sts.

I was more thinking she might be working at home and the refurb is actually for her dental practice.  Then maybe you'll hear the tooth drilling, calming muzak and the bubbling of the fish tank through the walls!

My own dentist bought the apartment next door to his and turned it into a dental surgery with two treatment rooms.  Obviously he's only working office hours!  I have no idea if he lined the place with sound proofing or lead lined his walls for the X-ray machines.

40M for a private dentist cannot be so much.  I am sure that's easily affordable for private medical types.  It's getting very expensive here to skip the queues.  A consultation for a child is about 75-80 EUR/25K HUF not including meds but including some basic tests.  They are making money.

No thankfully the plans are not for her to have a dental clinic in her home.
We once heard our old neighbor going insane on his wife in the middle of the night, just that one time, it was nasty.
In 12 years it was the only loud argument they ever had, she was indoors for a while, think she may of had a beating.
Another time on the other side of our apt. our young neighbor had a screaming match with his wife, tons of nasty words were used. She moved out within days, I could of saved him a lot of time because we were aware of her having "company" when he was working in the UK.
I try not to get involved unless it involves me or mine.

Speakng of getting involved, I just punched a guy at Aldi and asked the staff to ring up the police.
My husband and I always shop at Aldi and today being a Friday was busy inside as it usually is, everyone knows it is crowded and hard to move in there .
Ok so my husband was trying to get by some dude in his 20's, seemed like some sort of tourist, a red headed guy.
He refused to let my husband pass by, even though he could see him .My husband is slim and squeezed behind the guy, all of a sudden it was on.
game time!
My husband said excuse me in Hungarian and in English but as I watched in shock this jack a** shoved my 71 year old husband in the chest.
Well bring it on, my husband shoved him back hard and before the jerk knew what was going on my wild biker mama side came out.. I hit the guy in the chest and started to scream about him beating up old men and he wa sinsane and I was going to kill him if he tried it again etc. I saw the surprised look on the clerks faces , they didn't see the guy shove my husband first. I corrected them by telling them to, call the police. The idiot backed off and although it took forever to check out of the store we didn't see him again in line or anywhere, think he was afraid of us going off on him again.
I wanted to wait outside and have another round at him but logic got the better of me.
Too old to rumble I guess, bad shoulder and all. It was worth it to be even if I had broken my shoulder.
I swear, no one hits, shoves or touches my family or friends or I will see red.
71 years old could get a heart attack or worst, I actually think I could of killed that guy if I had half a chance, scary to think about.
My husband was growing out a beard to see what it looks like, maybe this guy thought he could push an old man around because he may of looked harmless?
No matter to me, I thought for a second the guy would go at me too but dang, I don't care, I suprized myself at times too.
So much for the shop staff thinking we are a sweet old couple , next visit I may be escorted out by security!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

No thankfully the plans are not for her to have a dental clinic in her home.
We once heard our old neighbor going insane on his wife in the middle of the night, just that one time, it was nasty.
In 12 years it was the only loud argument they ever had, she was indoors for a while, think she may of had a beating.
Another time on the other side of our apt. our young neighbor had a screaming match with his wife, tons of nasty words were used. She moved out within days, I could of saved him a lot of time because we were aware of her having "company" when he was working in the UK.
I try not to get involved unless it involves me or mine.

No free hits in domestic abuse.  No excuses and zero tolerance.  Out the door immediately!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Speakng of getting involved, I just punched a guy at Aldi and asked the staff to ring up the police.
My husband and I always shop at Aldi and today being a Friday was busy inside as it usually is, everyone knows it is crowded and hard to move in there .
Ok so my husband was trying to get by some dude in his 20's, seemed like some sort of tourist, a red headed guy.
He refused to let my husband pass by, even though he could see him .My husband is slim and squeezed behind the guy, all of a sudden it was on.
game time!
My husband said excuse me in Hungarian and in English but as I watched in shock this jack a** shoved my 71 year old husband in the chest.
Well bring it on, my husband shoved him back hard and before the jerk knew what was going on my wild biker mama side came out.. I hit the guy in the chest and started to scream about him beating up old men and he was insane and I was going to kill him if he tried it again etc. ...
So much for the shop staff thinking we are a sweet old couple , next visit I may be escorted out by security!

Sounds horrible.  What a seggfej!   

If he was a tourist he'll have to think seriously about what he does when hanging out in a foreign country and who he'll come across when he's had a bad day.   

Surprising really because normally people here are not confrontational at all unless they've been boozing or something wrong with their heads.

The guy had a "weird" sort of head tick thing going on like he was talking on a blue tooth or was missing a head screw or two.
Apparently getting into st. altercations with strange men is a "thing" in my family.
My older sister wrote me yesterday and mentioned she had to beat on some guy in Pakastain , a local guy when he was messing with her English husband back in the early 70's...I'd love to hear more details,on that cause my sister is a born fighter as it is.
This punk was looking for trouble at Aldi, as soon as my husband had passed him the guy jumped back fast and turned, I looked over as he was shoving my husband.
Guy was in his 20's my husband in his 70's not a fare fight, my husband could of hurt him badly! Guy was lucky I stepped in the break it up by B slapping him in the chest and screaming in his face..
It seems to be a new,"thing" to abuse old people. A couple months back some low life 20 something scummy fat chick on the bus was filmed pushing an elderly handicapped man down the stairs onto the sidewalk with his walker just because he asked her not o swear at people on the bus. He died shortly later...This was in Vegas.
These store security guards are not there to protect the customers at all, only to protect the store property.

While on the topic of "abuse" did anyone hear about the Hungarian shop clerk, a female shop clerk who was tied up, beaten and held for ransom by her Chinese Boss here in Hungary?
It appears that the shop owner, a Chinese immigrant thought she had been dipping into the till so he and a few others decided to take matters into their own insane hands.
They stuffed socks in her mouth, tied her up and beat her with rods, then they dragged her home to her father and demanded he sign over his apt to them which he did to get her released from her tormentors.
This was in 2017 and this is the first I've heard of it. The shop owner is facing 18 years in prison.
totally out of control and a bit scary.
Too bad I do purchase a few , just a very few products from these shops, I say though I think I will see if I can find them in a Hungarian owned store in the future and boycott these rough shop keepers.
What makes them think they can take the law into their own hands, if she had really stolen from them then I am sure it would of been on camera, they have more cameras in those shops then workers plus they were free to call the police on her any time.

Got some bad news from my SIL, looks like my baby bro is going to have yet another toe cut off next week.
They were enjoying their honeymoon on Wikiki  beach a few years back when my bro cut his toe on something sharp in the ocean, a shell or coral.
Must of been bad because he went to the hospital on his honeymoon, they were going to remove his toe right then and there.
He flew back home to S. Ca. and they tried everything before removing his first toe, then there was the second toe about 4 years back and now yet another one.
He is only 49 and I am a bit worried that by the time he is in his 60's he may of had his whole foot removed or worst.
Some sort of exotic flesh eating thing .
Just nasty.
Last time I saw him, about  5 months ago he was walking slow like an older person because of his toes being gone.
He has months off of his job because of this so it must be a bit serious because in the US they get you out of the hospital within 24 hours if they can and back to work within a week.
My husband cut his ankle on Maui while he was sirfing in the 70's . It got infected and the doctors had to try several different creams and potions, it finally cleared up and went away.
No idea what they gave him but it was red. Maybe your old time mecurecome, the stuff with mercury in it?
On a happy note, my niece, my one and only niece has been sent to Tokyo for her job.
I am so happy for her.
She never went to college and has no degree but has a dream job just the same.
She works for a big IT firm . The boss and his wife just love her, gave her a huge raise and are now sending her overseas to head up her dept.
Guess it is true sometimes that good looking and tall people land jobs easier. She is a beauty physically and knows her stuff as far as her job is goes.
I can only pray that no big earthquakes hit Japan this week ,my son and my niece are over there.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Got some bad news from my SIL, looks like my baby bro is going to have yet another toe cut off next week.
They were enjoying their honeymoon on Wikiki  beach a few years back when my bro cut his toe on something sharp in the ocean, a shell or coral.
Must of been bad because he went to the hospital on his honeymoon, they were going to remove his toe right then and there.
He flew back home to S. Ca. and they tried everything before removing his first toe, then there was the second toe about 4 years back and now yet another one.
He is only 49 and I am a bit worried that by the time he is in his 60's he may of had his whole foot removed or worst.
Some sort of exotic flesh eating thing .
Just nasty.
Last time I saw him, about  5 months ago he was walking slow like an older person because of his toes being gone.....

Jeez, I never knew it was so dangerous on the beach there.  Sorry to hear about the toe issues.  What exactly happened to him?  Sounds like a mega toxin - be useful to know.

I'm unlikely to go anywhere near there - or so I thought - I might go to the Pacific soon but I am trying to avoid passing through any US territory even in transit (sorry US compadres but CBP's behaviour sucks big time).   Passing via HI was an option but nah, avoidance probably efficient as they always give us lesser mortals a hard time. 

Anyways, I was thinking if I was in the Pacific region I'd go diving.  I've been diving there before but never had any hassles despite seeing plenty of exotic creatures.  Coral was pretty bleached though from El Nino or La Nina - one of 'em.

BTW, not to make too much light of the toe chopping, maybe he can donate it to the Alaskan pub that does a sourtoe cocktail.   Then his toe would at least go to errr....a good cause.....maybe.

Looks like gearing up for yet another property battle with some locals.

Not sure if I am getting tired of this or will add a spark of fun to my routine.

Mostly caused by neighbor who built up a fence on a "street" as labeled on the maps, and used for parking by many, and the local (cough -- incompetent) government not keeping the rest of the land free of vegetation in front of my property. So, basically, everyone (i.e. tourists) are now parking in front of my property, on the area I cleared for my access, or on a narrow access road north of my property (impossible to pass), and sometimes on my property, all blocking my access.

Sadly, I wonder if there is some "anti-foreigner" elements involved as only my subtle mitigation ( to posts to keep cars from parking in a wide enough space to get in my tractor -- about 1.5 m) has been targeted -- literally torn down. Not my neighbors (illegal) fence.

klsallee wrote:

Looks like gearing up for yet another property battle with some locals.

Not sure if I am getting tired of this or will add a spark of fun to my routine.

Mostly caused by neighbor who built up a fence on a "street" as labeled on the maps, and used for parking by many, and the local (cough -- incompetent) government not keeping the rest of the land free of vegetation in front of my property. So, basically, everyone (i.e. tourists) are now parking in front of my property, on the area I cleared for my access, or on a narrow access road north of my property (impossible to pass), and sometimes on my property, all blocking my access.

Sadly, I wonder if there is some "anti-foreigner" elements involved as only my subtle mitigation ( to posts to keep cars from parking in a wide enough space to get in my tractor -- about 1.5 m) has been targeted -- literally torn down. Not my neighbors (illegal) fence.

Oh, the HU property gods not smiling on you too.  Sounds like things are getting physical.  Sorry about that.  Why not park a trailer at the spot?  Then it's your own vehicle blocking them.

In my own long running land dispute, none of the surveyors have turned up and now seem to be unavailable with non-working phones.  Mrs Fluffy rang yet another one and got some theoretically useful information. 

If the neighbours do not agree to the Land Registry  (LR) changes when the surveyor puts the boundary markers in, then the only option is getting a court order, then the fence gets built while the cops watch. 

According to this new surveyor - who I now doubt as being competent - 70cm is considered a breakpoint on "error" in the boundary markings where the neighbours can argue it makes no difference to either party.  That's lunacy - no-one can trust the LR if that was the case.   

So once again we're going back to our lawyer to see if  this new surveyor is talking a load of old nonsense and to discuss getting a court order.  I tried this before as I suggested to the lawyer we put some sort of injunction or lien on his house to stop him selling it before the boundaries were sorted.  Lawyer seemed to think that was excessive.  Now  I am not so sure. 

All of this doesn't help us get the f***ing fence moved - no builder, no surveyor and another fence related problem..... .... a van delivery driver reversed up our street and smashed into our neighbours car. It's a Citroen - maybe 15 years old.  And now the front of the car is caved in and it cannot be moved as one of the front wheels is now mangled with jagged metal.

So his smashed car is guess where?  Right in front of where we need to build the fence! He needs to move it at least 2m back up the street so the builders would have room to work.  It's been there 6 months and I doubt he'll ever move it without assistance.   There are now plants growing out of sides.  I reckon the local government should serve him with a notice to take it away as it's a hazard. 

Or he can leave it there and risk more damage to his Citroen paperweight - like he cares...

fluffy2560 wrote:

Oh, the HU property gods not smiling on you too.  Sounds like things are getting physical.  Sorry about that.  Why not park a trailer at the spot?  Then it's your own vehicle blocking them.

If someone is willing to destroy one thing, I doubt I want to park my trailer there and have it also destroyed or stolen. This property is not by our house, so unless I install battery trail cameras I can not keep tabs 24/7 on what someone may do there.

Sounds like what I need is an old, smashed up Citroen. Those seem to be great as opinionated, property boundary blockers......

fluffy2560 wrote:

According to this new surveyor - who I now doubt as being competent - 70cm is considered a breakpoint on "error" in the boundary markings where the neighbours can argue it makes no difference to either party.

Our surveyor said it was 30 cm (and that is about right with international standards -- we had a good surveyor). I wonder if there is even an official "rule" about this or, just like most everything here, everyone simply has a different opinion and sticks to that opinion even when all facts and evidence to the contrary appears.

Wow, sorry for all the troubles with parking. It sucks to not be able to park on your own land and have people day tripping on your property.
I suppose their is no way you can put up a fence or block their access to your land so you can come and go as you wish?
Best of luck with the battles.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I suppose their is no way you can put up a fence or block their access to your land so you can come and go as you wish?

The property is actually in a National Park. Fences are not usually allowed (but you would not know know it given how many of the locals put up fences -- or even more bizarre -- only expensive gates, but no fence).

I have posts up at the property line.  But the car drove between my posts (I kept them far apart to allow my access, not someone else's).

The issue is there is a property in front of mine that is between the road and my property, but it is also a "utca" on the maps (even thought it is covered with vegetation --- except my access point), so cars can, in theory, park there if the government cleared the land properly. And I have no problem with that (cars parking on that land or the government cleaning it). But no car is suppose to park in front of my access point, and having an access point is my right under the law. But some people do not care, they do what they want here and think any flat clean spot is just a parking space for them. They also ignore signs. Why? Because my property is the only one here with large trees on it on this road, and on hot days people want to shade their cars and apparently are now, given this year's heat wave, are getting angry at me because I don't want them on my land to do so.

It isn't right, i know how frustrating it is because for the 5 years my son leased a home in Vegas his next door neighbors took his one and only parking space in front of the house. There was a nice shadey tree on the spot too.
My boy parked in the garage but when we had 3 cars it was an issue.
I got so mad I cut off the shady overgrowth so their car was in the sun too! Yes, suppose I'd cut off my own foot to make a point!
There were about 5 or more adults renting the hosue and they all had nice new cars about 5 of them for the house. People had called the HOA on them several times for stealing parking spaces but my son didn't want a hassle with them. He was out numbered and didn't mind parking in the garage.
I suppose you can't do too much more then post your no parking signs or sit outside with a shotgun.
After August I hope the cars just go away for you.

They just finished up filming  an action shot for what I am guessing is the new upcoming "jane Bond" movie, 007.
One car upsdie down, the tow truck is taking it away ATM.
A super tall black women wearing all black leather was pulling another women out of the car and 2 men were running after them.
Guess now I will have to see the movie to be sure but I'm 99% sure this is the movie.
They "own " the st. until tomorrow even though it seems rain is coming and fliming is over with for now.
Sometimes it's hard to find parking on the st. when they are always using our st. for movies. Was easy yesterday to find a spot when we got back from Balaton, I guess all the weekend Balatoners have left the city and left many parking spots behind.

klsallee wrote:

....Sounds like what I need is an old, smashed up Citroen. Those seem to be great as opinionated, property boundary blockers......

You could get a "throwaway" secondhand box truck trailer which they could never move.  Then you could just move it with your tractor.   People park trailers with advertising on the side.  As it's just parking, no-one needs permission for it. 

Another idea might be to get a shipping container with doors at each end like a tunnel.  Park it in the space and drive through it with the tractor then lock it up to block the space afterwards.   Shipping containers are quite cheap relatively speaking and there's no way anyone can vandalise it.  Or maybe hay bales or plant some spiky or undesirable bushes around it - ones that attract bees to annoy the people parking.

klsallee wrote:

international standards -- we had a good surveyor). I wonder if there is even an official "rule" about this or, just like most everything here, everyone simply has a different opinion and sticks to that opinion even when all facts and evidence to the contrary appears.

30cm seems excessively inaccurate what with GPS accuracy being far better than that.  Mrs Fluffy's cousin's neighbour had 5cm to complain about and managed to get his fence moved. We're at about 1m so I think the "rules" are on our side - we're out 30m2.  I never understood why we didn't just go to the court beforehand and just hit them with the nuclear option instead of pussyfooting around.  Ridiculous.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

They just finished up filming  an action shot for what I am guessing is the new upcoming "jane Bond" movie, 007.
One car upsdie down, the tow truck is taking it away ATM.
A super tall black women wearing all black leather was pulling another women out of the car and 2 men were running after them.
Guess now I will have to see the movie to be sure but I'm 99% sure this is the movie.
They "own " the st. until tomorrow even though it seems rain is coming and fliming is over with for now.
Sometimes it's hard to find parking on the st. when they are always using our st. for movies. Was easy yesterday to find a spot when we got back from Balaton, I guess all the weekend Balatoners have left the city and left many parking spots behind.

That's right on your doorstep.   We get those films around here.   One called Midsommar was filmed just nearby where an old quarry was faked as Sweden. I believe it will out in September maybe - horror genre.  I don't know how they removed the planes flying out of our local airport. Digital removal I am sure as the quarry is right next to the airport.  They were there for months - must have been 4 or more they were hanging around there blocking up the place.

I was out on my mountain bike once and suddenly came across a film crew in the woods.  I managed to get past the security guard as well because I came from an unexpected direction.  I had to stop as they were in my way.    I as surprised what they had managed to get in there up the trail - pickup trucks, people, lights and oddly (I thought then) a coffee and snacks van.  They'd parked a bus for the cast and they had to walk to the location. 

I wasn't really interested anyway in spectating  what it was all about and just "moved on".

fluffy2560 wrote:

30cm seems excessively inaccurate what with GPS accuracy being far better than that.  Mrs Fluffy's cousin's neighbour had 5cm to complain about and managed to get his fence moved. We're at about 1m so I think the "rules" are on our side - we're out 30m2.

Differential corrected GPS is about 20 cm for every 100 km from a broadcast station. Someone winning a 5cm dispute is more likely getting the right attorney or judge (or ignorant administrators) to rule in their favor.....

fluffy2560 wrote:

I never understood why we didn't just go to the court beforehand and just hit them with the nuclear option instead of pussyfooting around.  Ridiculous.

Relations..... Trying to find an attorney to do that is the problem. In Hungary, it is not unlikely, it seems, that any attorney one hires is probably related indirectly in some way to, or are a school chum of a relative of, the defendant. So many are thus loath to go nuclear.

Perhaps some "Flinstones" boulders would work, made from styrofoam?
Can just move them and take back your parking spot when needed.
I really take issue when people try to overstep the line and infringe on other people.
Not proud to repeat this story but my step- dad who was half a hot headed Irish man had an issue with some guy over a used car.
They guy really pulled a number on my step-dad and just wouldn't try to resolve the issue.
One rainy night my step-dad got out of bed and without telling my mom until later what he did he just went out into the night.
He told her he just took a huge rock and threw it threw the guys large glass window, he felt he had gotten even.
I'd never do anything like that, I want the person who did me wrong to know I was mad and take care of any issue face to face or fist to fist.
Usually these rude people seem to get away with murder but one day or other they will run into someone just like themselves and then they will know what it means to get screwed over.
When I pass an accident and see 2 fast cars were involved I always think to myself, there you go someone had to show off and the other had to put a stop to it. No worries one day these people will park in the wrong spot and run into the wrong person.
Driving yesterday to Balaton we noticed some drivers speeding really fast to pass another speeder, like why bother, what's the point of getting somewhere 5 or 10 mins faster and being a stressed out mess when you arrive?

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

30cm seems excessively inaccurate what with GPS accuracy being far better than that.  Mrs Fluffy's cousin's neighbour had 5cm to complain about and managed to get his fence moved. We're at about 1m so I think the "rules" are on our side - we're out 30m2.

Differential corrected GPS is about 20 cm for every 100 km from a broadcast station. Someone winning a 5cm dispute is more likely getting the right attorney or judge (or ignorant administrators) to rule in their favor.....

fluffy2560 wrote:

I never understood why we didn't just go to the court beforehand and just hit them with the nuclear option instead of pussyfooting around.  Ridiculous.

Relations..... Trying to find an attorney to do that is the problem. In Hungary, it is not unlikely, it seems, that any attorney one hires is probably related indirectly in some way to, or are a school chum of a relative of, the defendant. So many are thus loath to go nuclear.

I think our neighbour is "in" with the local government but I don't think it helps at the megye LR or through the judiciary (can they be trusted?).   Our lawyer cannot be in any way related to the neighbour - just too far removed from this little place.  And we have a long term link to the lawyer which would trump I hope any BS from the other side.  We'll see if the lawyer can do some tactical work - the other side is hopelessly disorganised on using a systematic approach to the dispute.  We are better organised but if it makes a difference in this HU version of The Matrix, who knows.

I thought the accuracy of GPS was down to cm now but they switched off the accuracy according to various and nefarious security reasons.  It's going to get interesting soon re the US run system. Russians have their own system, EU will have its own system and the UK will have yet another one post-Brexit.   Lovely.

Side note: EU is so dumb trying to exclude the UK for "security reasons" - we trust you now and have done for 40+ years, we don't trust you next week. And that's even if you (the British) build many of the satellite systems for it.  More Brexit B*lls**t.

I dabble with GPS but not for positioning (other than in the car) but mainly out of interest in aviation (GPS can be used for navigation and more recently instrument landings) but I'm mainly interested in the accurate timing signals from it - nice things those atomic clocks.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Perhaps some "Flinstones" boulders would work, made from styrofoam?
Can just move them and take back your parking spot when needed.
I really take issue when people try to overstep the line and infringe on other people.
Not proud to repeat this story but my step- dad who was half a hot headed Irish man had an issue with some guy over a used car.
They guy really pulled a number on my step-dad and just wouldn't try to resolve the issue.
Driving yesterday to Balaton we noticed some drivers speeding really fast to pass another speeder, like why bother, what's the point of getting somewhere 5 or 10 mins faster and being a stressed out mess when you arrive?

Keeping up the movie theme then with Flintsone rocks. Good idea! 

TV Trivia:  the Flintstones and Simpsons theme tunes are actually the same.   

The problem with revenge with rocks through windows is that nearly everyone has CCTV these days for security reasons.  Case closed Mr Poirot!  Definitely the butler didn't do it.

Speeding back from Balaton is a national sport or part of the Balaton experience - own bubble selfishness, screw the other guy/gal, plain old stupid bravado, ignorance, sense of invulnerability, oneupmanship, leased car and perceived low personal financial risk and organ extension - my car and bank balance is bigger than yours. 

One of the things in the UK driving test is not to cause another driver to deviate from their course - i.e. don't drive stupidly to make people swerve out of the way.

I know to think I actually used to feel "guilty" as an American compared to the "poor mistreated" Hungarian makes my blood boil.
I know there are still many low income people here who have it tough but dang...I suppose many people here got whatever gold. silver and hard cash granny stashed in that old mattress...
Many HU's are seeming wealthier then your average working class pay your taxes US citizen.
I do admit having a couple of bucks makes life a bit easier but in all reality, money don't buy love and peace.
I have know and do known a few peeps with more money then they probably can spend before they are pushing up daisies and they are not really happy people.
I am a tiny bit Impressed after recently knowing some of my close relations as to how good their lives have been but over all I really do not care as much about $$$ as one would think if they ever knew me personally.
Family and having morals means more to me then the world.
My deceased sister knew many "Hollywood" and "music" industry types, to me they were a waste of time and energy, so selfish and really boring. Narcs are a bore although they think they are the bomb.
In the end I could see her so called"friends" were the type to lead you to the cliff and watch you jump.
These new "rich" Hungarians have a sh** load of BS to experience before they realize no one really give a rats a**.
Not sure why I got so serious but it is what it is...

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I know to think I actually used to feel "guilty" as an American compared to the "poor mistreated" Hungarian makes my blood boil.
I know there are still many low income people here who have it tough but dang...I suppose many people here got whatever gold. silver and hard cash granny stashed in that old mattress...
Many HU's are seeming wealthier then your average working class pay your taxes US citizen.
I do admit having a couple of bucks makes life a bit easier but in all reality, money don't buy love and peace.
I have know and do known a few peeps with more money then they probably can spend before they are pushing up daisies and they are not really happy people......
These new "rich" Hungarians have a sh** load of BS to experience before they realize no one really give a rats a**.
Not sure why I got so serious but it is what it is...

I don't want to be harsh or rude and this is could sound terrible, but don't you think you were being wound up by being fed some sort of gung-ho attitude over how great the USA is?  Clearly things are better in some other countries and besides that, it's what people are used to.  Even if people here might be less that rich or live differently (I wouldn't necessarily say primitively), it's their home here, where their family is and where their culture originates.  Nothing to feel guilty about how people live elsewhere - they might actually want it like that!  If someone is unhappy  here, they can just leave and go elsewhere.  Nothing (now) to stop them from heading somewhere else.

Anyways, some Hungarians seem to be doing very well indeed.  It's a surprise how things have changed over the years.  From the depression post-communism to the elite appearing - wealth gained not all legitimately either I am sure.  There are a lot of poseurs messing around in this country.

What I don't understand about the US taxing of citizens outside the country is how things get equalised up back in Hungary.  If US citizens pay over there, how does the money - if any - get back here?  It's a very weird system to me - like a tax on citizenship. What benefits do you get from paying there when living here? 

I presume they just even it up in their accounting at end of year but all a bit odd.

I have not paid any US taxes in years and when I did work there my husband took our tax business to a HU accountant or did the taxes himself.
I do not know how it works if a US citizen works in HU and pays US taxes too. Perhaps they pay so they can get work credits for the retirement from US SS.If you do not pay into the system then you have to get on welfare in your old age.
Need 40 credits or something to get any SS . For now you can take early SS at age 62 with a 25% decrease in your monthly payments.
I did that, took it early, it really isn't a ton of money as I had more zero work years then years when I paid into the system. My husband always claimed me as a tax payer when he had his own business so now I get more SS on my own then I would of but he gets less on his for adding me. Confusing.
I know that here in HU you must at least for now, pay into the system for 15 years and reach age 62 I think to collect.
The min. SS here is so low I do not know how anyone could live on it alone.

fluffy2560 wrote:

What I don't understand about the US taxing of citizens outside the country is how things get equalised up back in Hungary.  If US citizens pay over there, how does the money - if any - get back here?

That is all worked out in tax treaties. If you want, the US Hungarian tax treaty is available online. How much you will be less confused will depend on how much you understand the treaty. ;)

fluffy2560 wrote:

What benefits do you get from paying there when living here?

Most abroad living citizens, due to Nexus, do not have to pay US Income tax (SS Tax is different and more complicated). But if they do have to pay any US Income tax (usually those with high incomes), they are contributing to the maintenance of things like the US Embassy, and not being freeloaders.....

fluffy2560 wrote:

What I don't understand about the US taxing of citizens outside the country is how things get equalised up back in Hungary.  If US citizens pay over there, how does the money - if any - get back here?

That is all worked out in tax treaties. If you want, the US Hungarian tax treaty is available online. How much you will be less confused will depend on how much you understand the treaty. ;)

fluffy2560 wrote:

What benefits do you get from paying there when living here?

Most abroad living citizens, due to Nexus, do not have to pay US Income tax in Hungary (SS Tax is different and more complicated). But if they do have to pay any US Income tax (usually those with high incomes), they are contributing to the maintenance of things like the US Embassy, and not being freeloaders.....

fluffy2560 wrote:

[If someone is unhappy  here, they can just leave and go elsewhere.

Looks like you are channeling the POTUS....  :rolleyes:

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

What I don't understand about the US taxing of citizens outside the country is how things get equalised up back in Hungary.  If US citizens pay over there, how does the money - if any - get back here?

That is all worked out in tax treaties. If you want, the US Hungarian tax treaty is available online. How much you will be less confused will depend on how much you understand the treaty. ;)

fluffy2560 wrote:

What benefits do you get from paying there when living here?

Most abroad living citizens, due to Nexus, do not have to pay US Income tax (SS Tax is different and more complicated). But if they do have to pay any US Income tax (usually those with high incomes), they are contributing to the maintenance of things like the US Embassy, and not being freeloaders.....

Hmmm.... don't think that's really my question disregarding Nexus  (what is it?).   Here's what I mean by scenario:

US citizen lives in HU*, is required to pay income tax in the USA.  So they are here, being taxed locally as a worker, given a tax certificate to show amount paid and by the DTA (Double Taxation Agreement) use this as an offset by sending it to the IRS. 

So, now, assuming their income is below the ~$100K limit (or whatever it is for foreign income sources in the USA), then they are done (I hope) BUT in the event that additional monies are due and paid to the USA, how is that tax paid benefiting HU when the US citizen actually lives here? 

Good point about the Embassy but if you only use it once every 10 years AND you pay a fee for a passport, what do you also get for your tax money?  It's not like you get part of a missile or a fuel tank for a fighter jet or something else.
*or insert whatever country - mostly - one wants.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

What I don't understand about the US taxing of citizens outside the country is how things get equalised up back in Hungary.  If US citizens pay over there, how does the money - if any - get back here?

That is all worked out in tax treaties. If you want, the US Hungarian tax treaty is available online. How much you will be less confused will depend on how much you understand the treaty. ;)

fluffy2560 wrote:

What benefits do you get from paying there when living here?

Most abroad living citizens, due to Nexus, do not have to pay US Income tax in Hungary (SS Tax is different and more complicated). But if they do have to pay any US Income tax (usually those with high incomes), they are contributing to the maintenance of things like the US Embassy, and not being freeloaders.....

The only Nexus I know is a hair care product.
Sorry, taxes and most things in the "real hard world" I've left to my husband to figure out.
Years, many years back when he told me there could only be one caption on a ship, I had a choice to either mutiny or get on "board".
I suppose he is what is now called a "toxic white male" in other words a real man who wants to save his family from the world of worries.
We usually carry our umbrella's with us at the slightest news of foul weather.
Today, I decided I didn't feel like lugging them around.
Wouldn't you know it, it started to pour.
Got home and then I went over to Aldi after I picked up my umbrella.
Should of not been lazy and put on my rubber boots, the st. was flooded as I crossed over. No biggie, it was warm outside and it was only water after all...
Weird though to see 5 or 6 shoppers much younger then I just waiting inside the store for the rain to stop.
When we lived in Hawaii where it rains just about every single day, nobody ever uses a rain coat or an umbrella.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

[If someone is unhappy  here, they can just leave and go elsewhere.

Looks like you are channeling the POTUS....  :rolleyes:

Ooo....no way...you know how to throw a punch!   

But yes, people can leave as they want. I left the UK for adventure, not because I didn't like it.  Everything went downhill from there. Look what happened to me - nice Mrs Fluffy, two cheeky Fluffyettes and a Golden Retriever.  Those pesky HU types will get you every time.

Clearly, if anything I'd be channeling Rep. Cummings from my own rat infested middle class suburban hellhole! 

Imagine, my bin is too small to fit all that garbage in! Damn all that recycling!

I heard someone hoovering their car this morning.  If I was POTUS I'd strike him or her down with lightning for working on a Sunday, heathens!  That said I'd better get back to the shed where I'm cleaning up an air intake on my hobby car.....

fluffy2560 wrote:

Anyway, I don't see how it's possible to  go about your business anywhere here these days without owning or at least having access to a car and I live in the burbs well served by Budapest buses.

Very doable. I have been doing it for years now (and, yes, I know how to drive).

fluffy2560 wrote:

A lot of the shopping areas are now out of town and need a vehicle.   I couldn't bring wood, cement or paint back on the bus or my bike although I did see a guy some years ago with a toilet waiting at the bus stop - he'd just picked it up at Praktiker.  Impractically expensive to have some things delivered - like 10K HUF to have that toilet delivered.

I order 2 tons of wood at at time. Even my car could not carry that. Has to be delivered. If you mean lumber, yes, that also has to be delivered. But if and when I need lumber, I also typically need a lot, so still would require truck delivery. And I think out my projects for the year as well, and buy all at once and store rather than going back and forth 200 times over the year to get this or that thing. That is what cars tend to do to the mind -- makes it too easy to just get in the car and get it (and do that 200 times) rather than plan and do it just once or twice.

My bike trailer has a 30kg capacity. A bag of cement is 25 kg. Can of paint is even less weight. There are other bike trailers that can go up to 45kg, but those are two wheel trailers, and I prefer the single wheel trailer that I have.

We bought our new toilet, bathtub, etc all online. Delivery was only a couple thousand Forint. Internet delivery is very cheap. Local delivery guys are very expensive. About 8,000 HUF now, no matter the load -- tons or just a box of tissuse (use to be 5,000).

fluffy2560 wrote:

Getting to the airport is outrageously expensive too as we're just a few 100m outside of the Budapest taxi zone.

Cost for me to get to the airport is much cheaper by bus and train even when I do not include parking costs (my preferred airport is VIE, since I am about half way between BUD and VIE). And I can spend the parking costs in a nice hotel the night before my flight, which always seem to leave in the early morning rather than getting up at 2:00 AM to start the long drive to the airport (when I fly, it is almost always a long haul flight to another continent). So I feel fresher boarding the plane. Ergo, having a car never really helped me much. And when we had a car, I made that round trip a lot. So I know.

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Anyway, I don't see how it's possible to  go about your business anywhere here these days without owning or at least having access to a car and I live in the burbs well served by Budapest buses.

Very doable. I have been doing it for years now (and, yes, I know how to drive).

fluffy2560 wrote:

A lot of the shopping areas are now out of town and need a vehicle.   I couldn't bring wood, cement or paint back on the bus or my bike although I did see a guy some years ago with a toilet waiting at the bus stop - he'd just picked it up at Praktiker.  Impractically expensive to have some things delivered - like 10K HUF to have that toilet delivered.

I order 2 tons of wood at at time. Even my car could not carry that. Has to be delivered. If you mean lumber, yes, that also has to be delivered. But if and when I need lumber, I also typically need a lot, so still would require truck delivery. And I think out my projects for the year as well, and buy all at once and store rather than going back and forth 200 times over the year to get this or that thing. That is what cars tend to do to the mind -- makes it too easy to just get in the car and get it (and do that 200 times) rather than plan and do it just once or twice.

My bike trailer has a 30kg capacity. A bag of cement is 25 kg. Can of paint is even less weight. There are other bike trailers that can go up to 45kg, but those are two wheel trailers, and I prefer the single wheel trailer that I have.

We bought our new toilet, bathtub, etc all online. Delivery was only a couple thousand Forint. Internet delivery is very cheap. Local delivery guys are very expensive. About 8,000 HUF now, no matter the load -- tons or just a box of tissuse (use to be 5,000).

fluffy2560 wrote:

Getting to the airport is outrageously expensive too as we're just a few 100m outside of the Budapest taxi zone.

Cost for me to get to the airport is much cheaper by bus and train even when I do not include parking costs (my preferred airport is VIE, since I am about half way between BUD and VIE). And I can spend the parking costs in a nice hotel the night before my flight, which always seem to leave in the early morning rather than getting up at 2:00 AM to start the long drive to the airport (when I fly, it is almost always a long haul flight to another continent). So I feel fresher boarding the plane. Ergo, having a car never really helped me much. And when we had a car, I made that round trip a lot. So I know.

I know you are a S.Ca. former resident like I am, 100% sure you can drive.
No one from S.Ca can even call themselves an adult human if they can not drive.
( I know a few who never learned and yes, they have a few "issues")
Even Tesco will deliver groceries if anyone doesn't like to lug their stuff home.
I personally love to shop , used to be for clothing and household goodies but bread and butter is a sub. in a pinch.
I learned to drive a "stick shift" ASAP because most cars in the US are automatics.
Learned like a true,
"Hippie" on a 67 VW bus.
Some of my fond memories involve speeding down the 101 listening to KROQ ( K ROCK) fm radio weaving  in and out of traffic  at break neck speeds.
I digress...
I think we could also survive here without a car, if it was too much we could always hire a cab.
We usually take the airport-mini bus that collects us right in front of our flat, can get a round trip ticket good for up to 6 months time at discount from them.
We took the new airport direct bus from Deak Ter going out last time but we only brought one suitcase with us. I always come back to HU Heavy with a ton of junk.
I think it was something like $40. round trip for 2 people plus baggage and tip for the mini bus.
Not sure I would use the airport bus again , was OK but we needed to hire a cab to get to their bus stop, not my thing, I would rather spend a few bucks to make  life easier then try to save a few coins.
( The vain of life, my frugal hubby and me the "American waster")
Not really worth it to me to deal with a mass of people when I could just ride with a couple of strangers.
Dang now I am remembering the day I was going down a highway in New Mexico in my nice Saab alone with the radio blasting at 95 MPH, windows open with fresh high desert high hitting my face, life can be good.

klsallee wrote:


I order 2 tons of wood at at time. Even my car could not carry that. Has to be delivered. If you mean lumber, yes, that also has to be delivered. But if and when I need lumber, I also typically need a lot, so still would require truck delivery. And I think out my projects for the year as well, and buy all at once and store rather than going back and forth 200 times over the year to get this or that thing. That is what cars tend to do to the mind -- makes it too easy to just get in the car and get it (and do that 200 times) rather than plan and do it just once or twice.

We bought our new toilet, bathtub, etc all online. Delivery was only a couple thousand Forint. Internet delivery is very cheap. Local delivery guys are very expensive. About 8,000 HUF now, no matter the load -- tons or just a box of tissuse (use to be 5,000).
Cost for me to get to the airport is much cheaper by bus and train even when I do not include parking costs (my preferred airport is VIE, since I am about half way between BUD and VIE). And I can spend the parking costs in a nice hotel the night before my flight, which always seem to leave in the early morning rather than getting up at 2:00 AM to start the long drive to the airport (when I fly, it is almost always a long haul flight to another continent). So I feel fresher boarding the plane. Ergo, having a car never really helped me much. And when we had a car, I made that round trip a lot. So I know.

Big stuff of course needs delivery.  I've got some buckets of paint that are perhaps 40kg each - it's paint for the render on the house.  We had 40 of those buckets.  And the actual render we had something like 50 bags.  I wouldn't want to try and drag that back on a bike trailer from OBI or wherever. In any case the road that we'd have to use is very dangerous - people driving too fast, too close and dodging cyclists (with and without cement bags or other cargo).

But things have changed - it's a lot easier to get things delivered these days but mainly we do it to save time and because we cannot actually find those things in the actual shops and some things, like that sheet metal I'm looking for, we'd have to go there to negotiate it, get it cut maybe and collect it. 

Our problem with  the airport taxis is the non-regulated cost outside of the boundaries of Budapest.  They can charge what they want even though we're just a few 100m from the boundary.   We've had useless drivers as well - our street has an easy name - but people don't pay attention and rely on their sat nav. 

One idiot went to Dunakeszi, not Budakeszi.  Mrs Fluffy phoned him and the guy was going to be over 1h late picking me up - he couldn't have made it as he'd have to cross the river. I had to get to the airport in my own car as it was an emergency.   

And then there's the guy who didn't pick me up - said he forgot.  I had to get bus 200 to the Terminal shopping centre, phone Mrs Fluffy in the middle of the night and she got stuck in traffic!  It took me about 4h to get home dragging heavy bags with me.  Now if I'd taken my own car I wouldn't have had the problem - in non-peak times, it takes 45 mins.

It would be very difficult to go by train or bus. It's just too far with heavy bags.  Oh and with little kids, you have to carry their bags too!  Arriving at the airport with bored, tired, hungry and sweaty kids.....pfff...no way!

fluffy2560 wrote:

In any case the road that we'd have to use is very dangerous - people driving too fast, too close and dodging cyclists (with and without cement bags or other cargo). !

That is a very good point.

But when the government introduced a new highway tax, large trucks by the boat load started to use all the side roads around us, so "dangerous roads" now pretty much defines every road around us now. :(

So I had to learn to "deal with it" (what is life, without some risks?). And one reason I have a single wheel trailer. Two wheels would put me too much into traffic. If fact, the air suction of a large truck passing is less on my trailer than on my panniers. So I actually now use my trailer more, and my bike rack and panniers less.

fluffy2560 wrote:

It would be very difficult to go by train or bus. It's just too far with heavy bags.  Oh and with little kids, you have to carry their bags too!  Arriving at the airport with bored, tired, hungry and sweaty kids.....pfff...no way!

Access to BUD is, to me, THE problem with BUD and why I fly out of VIE, and why I rank BUD as one of the worst airports I have ever used. So easy to get to VIE airport from Vienna. Train. Bus. Car. Taxi. Does not matter. All easy.

Side note: I grew up in LA, and LAX use to be also terrible to get to. No more. I was at LAX this spring, and it was very easy, and not expensive, to get to and from LAX from any number of options (I personally used a bus going out, and a bus* to downtown LA, then immediately got a taxi going to the airport). Super easy. 150 mile (~250km) travel to LAX cost me about $50, which was not bad as the taxi took up most of that. Hungary is just ridiculously backwards on this.

*The bus had WiFi, so I registered and got my e-boarding pass while on the bus, and when I got out of the taxi, I just sailed through all the boarding lines. It was great. Especially as the line to get a paper board pass was huge... I would have missed my flight if I had to get into that line.

fluffy2560 wrote:

It took me about 4h to get home dragging heavy bags with me.

That is actually sad... when you consider the Intercity train to VIE is "only" about 3 hours.... Flying out of VIE and you might have been home sooner (assuming optimal train connections). Seriously, how silly is that? What can I say... Welcome to Hungary....

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I know you are a S.Ca. former resident like I am, 100% sure you can drive.

Absolutely. We So Cals love to drive. Hate to walk. Any distance, not matter how short that distance may be.


P.S. IMHO if you are not driving a stick shift, you are not really driving. That is, if one really loves to *drive*.  :)

klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

In any case the road that we'd have to use is very dangerous - people driving too fast, too close and dodging cyclists (with and without cement bags or other cargo). !

That is a very good point.

But when the government introduced a new highway tax, large trucks by the boat load started to use all the side roads around us, so "dangerous roads" now pretty much defines every road around us now. :(

So I had to learn to "deal with it" (what is life, without some risks?). And one reason I have a single wheel trailer. Two wheels would put me too much into traffic. If fact, the air suction of a large truck passing is less on my trailer than on my panniers. So I actually now use my trailer more, and my bike rack and panniers less.


That is actually sad... when you consider the Intercity train to VIE is "only" about 3 hours.... Flying out of VIE and you might have been home sooner (assuming optimal train connections). Seriously, how silly is that? What can I say... Welcome to Hungary....

I wouldn't disagree with you about BUD.  But in mitigation for them - not that they deserve it - it's been a catalogue of screw ups out there.  Believe  it or not VIE airport used to be as bad as BUD. They had a petrol station there back in the mid-90s and it didn't even take credit cards. It was pretty bad there. Things have improved considerably there but way back then, it was not any better than BUD as it is now.

But here in  Goulashland, they've never really got to grips with an integrated transport plan and I cannot see any signs that in all the years I've been using it they will be able to fix it:

My suggestions:

1) Put a railway station there for T2 - they put one at T1 and then closed the terminal. It's a dangerous place too. To get to T1, you had to cross a very busy road - there's a bridge but with bags? People have died on the crossing. Anyway, it's closed at T1 despite it being renovated just a couple of years before Malev went under.

2)  There's no metro station there or dedicated express rail service.   There's plenty of space to tunnel or create a route into the airport by metro.  They could easily do it.   I think the reason they haven't done it is to keep the taxis in operation. It would kill off the taxi service.

3) Car parking is badly organised with long walks to the terminal.  They've built a hotel in the original car park.  They did move the air museum to make way for more car parking but it's a long walk to the terminal from the car park and it's atrocious and dangerous in the winter.

4) T2A and T2B are far too busy despite them being expanded in several stages.  Its a complete zoo there but not the worst one I've ever seen.  They've opened gates C but these are gates without air bridges and built specifically for low cost airlines.

5)  The road to the airport is abysmal with only one lane in each direction.  If there's an accident, you've had it getting to the airport.   When I got stuck there and it took me 4h*, it was because at the Terminal Shopping Mall they had closed the road to repair the bridge.  It caused massive tailbacks. I got caught in it because my flight was late.

There is a fast bus from BUD to VIE and it's not that expensive.  But it's 200km from here to there.  Sometimes we consider flying out of VIE and we look at options from there but it's impractical for family with little kids to go by public transport here.  However, we now have bus 188 to Kelenfold which is the major interchange for rail services West.   Strangely enough I am flying via VIE soon but that'll be out of BUD on an Austrian propeller job, feeding into VIE for a long intercontinental haul flight.

On the biking situation, I'm very annoyed they don't build cycle paths or even pavements (US:sidewalks). I don't know why they don't put in walking spaces but I see it everywhere, even in new build housing situations.   From here, I could cycle to the main commercial town area in Budaors by bike in say, 30 minutes if there was a cycle path but nope, there isn't one.  If they put in the cycle path around the back of the main road along the base of the wooded hills,  it could be a very pleasant trip from here even for families.  But they've done nothing much at all.   

I used to ride a motorbike and the suction issue on highways is awful. I will not ride my MTB on busy roads - it's just too dangerous around here with such large trucks and loopy driving. I always plot routes around the main roads to avoid them.

* Poor Mrs Fluffy was stuck with the two little kids in the car - she had to get them out of bed as I was stuck!