Your new local habits in Brazil

Hello everyone,

Living in Brazil is a great way to immerse in a new culture and lifestyle.

Have you embraced local customs since you've lived in Brazil? If so, which one(s)?

Did local customs change the way you see things, appreciate life or organize your daily routines? As far as the language is concerned, did you learn new expressions or words and do you use them?

What do you like most about the lifestyle in your host country? Are there any local specificities you are still struggling with?

Thanks in advance,


Dear Priscilla,

My reply is very short. I accustomed to my living in Brazil thinking and adoping the principle when you are in Rome " do as the Romans do ".  My Portuguese has improved a lot and am speaking like a parrot .



Nothing changed.....Brazil is just a normal work, go to supermarket 9 - 5 routine...

Steve, you sound like Mr Mum

I'm just saying that life in a typical large Brazilian city is just like anywhere else....people work, study , do house hold chores, apart from the language and some minor differences the average urban life in Brazil is  really as not exotic as people think.....the weather is warmer and there are coconut trees. Thats about it for me...but then again I'm not from Europe or North America.

I found Brazil peaceful ( less noisy) as compared to India(Hyderabad City). I am yet to learn Portuguese fully, only then one can interact with people. Hope i will learn more in my next visit/stay in Brazil.
India has full of movies.

A lot has changed! Brazil is very social and I have plans constantly. It's also a more relaxed lifestyle. Very quiet! I think it all depends where you live. I live outside the city and in a gated community. So it's almost like living in America. The kids play outside with no worries. Very safe! We live as Brazilians!

I still walk everywhere at every hour of the day although I was advised not to do so, never encountered anything wrong. I do live in Curitiba and sometimes stay in Juiz de Fora, which aren't particulary dangerous cities.

My portuguese got really good, I'm fluent in daily conversations and can help myself in more complicated ones. I can also use "caralho" in every possible sentence.

My social life is a lot better than in Belgium. There it is work, work, sleep, eat, repeat.

I drink a lot more alcohol in Brazil. Damn caiperinhas.