Tax benefit on air ticket to the home country


I am an indian and now I am working in Belgian company in Brussels. I got to know that you can get tax benefit on air ticket to your home country. Is this true? Anybody knows any details about this?


is this true ?
did not know.. can you please share any information on this matter ?

Never heard of it..
Some companies allow certain budget every year to go back to your home country and they contribute to the ticket price but there are certain conditions:-
1. Your immediate family should not be with you. i.e your wife and children should not be with you.
2. No reduction or scheme from government, its companies personal benefit for employees, They may get a tax benefit but not sure.

It's pure FAKE news.

The only thing that could happen is if you exported something bought in a Belgian store (but not in the duty-free area of the airport ...), VAT would be refunded.