Expat lifestyle in rural panama

I'm a retired American looking to resettle in Panama. I must be close to decent medical services for my wheelchair bound son.
Small towns are perfect and even farms close to towns for shopping and restaurants. We're a reasonably quiet family but good, high speed internet is a requirement as well as American style plumbing and electrical.
We're looking for spring like weather and we love mountains. Neither of us speak Spanish but I'm reasonably sure we'll manage by the time we get there.
One of my concerns is safety. From what I have read, Panama is relatively safe as long as you stay away from cities and tourist towns.
One of our hobbies is target shooting. Are guns allowed in Panama and how long would it take to register firearms.
A few weeks ago, I read a blog about what some guy said on the internet. He didn't make reference to some holy day or something mundane like that. There was a woman who pretty much condemned him to hell for what ever comment he made. I can't remember what it was but the guy was not disrespectful in the least. Please assure me that was a once in a while attack. I live in the bible belt and I've never insulted anyone I know of but if there are going to be a lot of... let's call them staunch Born Agains, I'd rather not deal with that.
I wanted to ask if there is an American Veteran Hospital in Panama. They do show up in some expat areas like Mexico.
Anything you can add will be a very welcome treat.

Thank you,

I know you have previously posted questions regarding living in Costa Rica here, but you would get a better response to your question on living in Panama on the Panama forum.

Hello everyone,

Just to inform you that this thread is now on the Panama forum.

All the best,