How long does F-card take to be processed/approved?

Does any one know how long it takes for the F card to be processed if both are physically in Belgium now and been here more than 5 yrs continuously? Wife is EU, spouse is non-EU.

Hi, I am a non-EU citizen and my husband is an EU citizen. I have an F card, I got it in 3 and a half weeks from the first day of starting the process.

Hope this helps.


Were these 3.5 weeks waiting for your card codes or for waiting for your dependent status to get approved?

I already arrived on a dependant visa, so I don't think I went through getting approval of my dependant status.

I went to the commune the second day of my arrival. A week later I went to the police to expedite my police verification process. That week itself I went to the commune where the gave me a temporary paper as a Belgian ID. A week later I returned to submit photos, 25 Euros etc. and was asked to wait for my pin at home. Roughly 10 day later I received my pin and I went to the commune where they immediately gave me my activated F card.

May I ask what card or residential status are you currently staying on in Belgium? You mentioned you're here for 5 years already, so I was just wondering under which category.

Hi Nailpainter,

On a work permit.