Are we able to bring a car into Chile that is a 2015 model even though we probably won't move there until sometime in 2016?
Are we able to bring a car into Chile that is a 2015 model even though we probably won't move there until sometime in 2016?
We were told we couldn't bring anything with a motor in our shipping container but I've heard of people who have.
If you were just to send it, the taxes would be high, lots of duty fees in the double digits.
You need a good customs agent/ aduana.
And do your research.
Unless it is a special car, just buy one here! They are a bit more expensive but many deals to be had if you check out some used cars online.
Thanks so much, Lori. We'll continue to research things but it sounds like your advice is the best. We were in Chile for just 2 weeks in August and totally ran out of time in our research and travels.
At the moment we're trying to become better Spanish speakers!
Try butterfly spanish on youtube
We have found it to be very helpful and entertaining
Though our best Spanish lessons come from talking with our neighbors!
Thanks, Lori! I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.