Vehicles & transport

As you all should know, the residential visa processing here in egypt is the slowest thing in the world.
Here's my issue, we need a car, I'm pregnant, we plan to be here for a minimum 3 years. We don't have a residential visa yet, and don't plan for the process to be quick either, we have been thinking of renting a car for $1000 usd a month, but in the long term it's not something we can quite afford. Any Ideas on how to get a car otherwise?
No to taxis, I don't trust them people. It has become quite an issue lately. I gotten to the point I want to pull a knife on the taxi drivers if they try to rip me off again!?

Depending on your frequent daily commute and route , you can consider some other options than Taxis , public transport per say( Cta, Minibuses )  , even though they are very cheap , they have their disadvantages  ( fixed routes , crowded , no dependable wait time ) ,

For Minimum of 3 years you are probably better off by getting a low end car , in the range of 50-80k pounds for a new car ( there are some okay cars to get within this range ) then sell it  , or you can get something used , cheap but there will be the risk of maintenance , reliability , etc..

apart from uber , there is another application called careem , i haven't tried it before , but heard some recommendations , the driver are not the chatting type , the fair is either paid in cash or by your subscription  by visa

Don't know if there are other options !

Thanks for your post, I do take buses now and then, but usually when I dont really have a timeframe to follow, and at night, because they get extra hot and sweaty during the day, but like you said some routes are not taken an the wait times aren't the best, I may try careem, I don't have a credit card either so I don't use uber.
I would prefer to buy a car but I have no residence visa just yet... So I can't put plates on it...

Sorry , but the taxis most of them gives you the good rate and some of them are thieves . But next time when you see this you can just ask him to go to the police station . For your rent car 1000 $ is expensive . with 2000 to 3000 LE you get a car for your residence its easy you just have to get a paper from where you work or studies and go the Visa department (tahrir square or near whre you live(police visa department ) . If you think they all liars and thieves you wont be good here . :) ask how much does a taxi takes from a place to place Egyptian will guide you so you won't have any problem in the future . Barely i am a foreigner and Egyptian are good but some are bad like everywhere :)

Agree the price before taking the taxi.  Find a good driver, take his number and if you are fair with him he will look after you.