Need a rental on the coast

I am leaving from Canada early November. I need to rent something basic (limited budget) but comfortable on the coast not to far from Guayaquil where my girlfriend lives and near the beach (house apartment or roommate). Kitchen is a priority the rest I can manage. My search is limited until now to Craigslist but there are always the same adds mainly for Quito or Cuenca. Any native site on internet for adds besides Craigslist and this forum? I had a contact in Puerto Lopez with an European who was renting apartments but he fled to Europe,,,, Any contacts? Thanks all.

Majito wrote:

I need to rent something basic (limited budget) but comfortable on the coast not to far from Guayaquil where my girlfriend lives and near the beach.

Have you tried just doing a search for, say, 'arriendo departamento salinas' (for Salinas) and the like? … os-salinas

You will get a number of hits doing similar searches and putting in the name of the city of interest, including Guayaquil and other cities nearby and on the coast.

I'd ask your novia to set you up to see a couple of places.

That'll put 'er to the test. ;)

cccmedia in Quito

Majito wrote:

I am leaving from Canada early November. I need to rent something basic but comfortable on the coast not too far from Guayaquil where my girlfriend lives and near the beach.

Two more thoughts.

1.  Guayaquil is 90 minutes from the Pacific Ocean.  Does that qualify some place on the coast as being "near" to her?

2.  El Niño may peak in December.  Ipso facto, living/renting on the coast is not recommended at that time.

cccmedia in Quito

your post is not relevant

What will happen if El Nino peaks in Dec?

1. I would walk one day to see her

2. Let it come I have seen worst

3. I need info no comments


Well, I will be almost alone on the coast, which is a new experience

Birdmama wrote:

What will happen if El Nino peaks in December (2015)?

Although weather phenomena of this kind are unpredictable, enormous waves producing flooding and major property damage are highly possible.

This may be the strongest El Niño since the 90s, when Ecuador's agricultural and fishing industries were devastated.

In addition to the coast, the Galápagos Islands -- which are part of Ecuador -- are at great risk in December and January.

Cruz Roja, the Ecuadorian Red Cross, has already held a public emergency-preparedness meeting on the coast.

On this forum, the main thread for this topic for a while will probably be the one tittled El Niño 2015.  Here is the link....

There already are some posts there about preparing for and dealing with the effects of El Niño.

cccmedia in Quito