Open a restaurant in Taipei- Share your opinion on foreign owned one

Hi guys,

I'm currently living in Vietnam and I'm saving up money in order to open a restaurant somewhere in SEA. I've never been in Taiwan, but Taipei looks to be a very attractive place.
Could anyone give me his/her opinion about the foreign owned restaurants in Taipei ? Are the frequented by locals ? What kind is successful ?
If you also could inform me about the estimated budget to open a mid-range restaurant (Fusion, Burger, Italian... any kind would be interesting to me).
Thank you very much for your information.


There are many foreign owned restaurants in Taipei. But I am not sure if they partner with Taiwanese.

Taiwanese can accept any kind of food, now almost all famous brand restaurants are in Taipei now. Burgers...Pasta....Indian food...

Budget is on rental and decoration, for renting you can refer to (no English but I think you can figure it out) it has the latest info. depends, can be 20K to 200K....

Why not Bangkok? more Tourists there.
