Goethe Institute courses

Goethe Institute courses are only in Germam?

Goethe Institute offers classes to learn German language.

yes i understand this, my question is if there are courses to learn German from Greek teachers ...

If you want to learn broken German, you can probably find a non-native speaker who teaches it to you. But why???

hmm...because my native languege is Greek!
i know very good Bulgarian too, but  my English is average thus i can't take a course in German...    :|

It is always best to learn a language by using it (and not other languages) in the classes.
Goethe Institute engages only qualified, native-speaking German teachers. They might also speak the language of their guest country, of course, but might not be perfect in it - they don't need to, they only need to teach perfect German!

I don't know any German...how i can learn it from german speaking teacher!!?     :unsure

Marigia wrote:

how i can learn it from german speaking teacher!!?

Question: How can you learn German from a teacher who does not speak German?
Answer: You can't!
Therefore you need a German speaking teacher, at best a native speaker.
I don't think you can find a non-native German teacher in Hamburg - nobody would want one!

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