Looking for Filipino Teachers

Hi everybody! My name is Ellen and I'm working for Saigon American English Center.
Our center is a modern and dynamic education center. As we are continually expanding we are now looking for English teachers.
SAS provides unique opportunities to teachers that most ELT schools cannot offer. Our dedicated academic management team ensures that SAE adheres to a high standard of professional development, which comprises ongoing teacher support, feedback, peer observations.
To be more detailed, We are in need of 4 Vietnamese teachers, 3 Fillpino teachers.
We offer flexible working hours- from  Monday to Sunday - Shift : 5.30 p.m to 7.00 p.m ,7.30 pm to 9 pm, 9 am-10.30 am
Competitive salary: 12 usd/1.5 hours for Vietnamese teachers, 16 usd/1.5 hours for Filipino teachers.
If you are interested, please contact us
Email: [email protected]

EllenPham wrote:

Hi everybody! My name is Ellen and I'm working for Saigon American English Center.
Our center is a modern and dynamic education center. As we are continually expanding we are now looking for English teachers.
SAS provides unique opportunities to teachers that most ELT schools cannot offer. Our dedicated academic management team ensures that SAE adheres to a high standard of professional development, which comprises ongoing teacher support, feedback, peer observations.
To be more detailed, We are in need of 4 Vietnamese teachers, 3 Fillpino teachers.
We offer flexible working hours- from  Monday to Sunday - Shift : 5.30 p.m to 7.00 p.m ,7.30 pm to 9 pm, 9 am-10.30 am
Competitive salary: 12 usd/1.5 hours for Vietnamese teachers, 16 usd/1.5 hours for Filipino teachers.
If you are interested, please contact us
Email: [email protected]

Advertising is not permitted on this section of the forum. You can post a free ad in the jobs section located in the green banner at the top of this page. The ad will get more exposure to potential employees there and will remain current. 
Thank you.

Hello Ellen

As suggested above, please refer to the appropriate section with your advert : Teaching jobs in Saigon

Expat.com Team

hi im a filipino and planning to go there in vietnam on aug. 7 2017. college graduate BSED MAJOR IN ENGLISH. are you still hiring?

Very old thread.
