Cost of living in Shanghai - 25k RMB monthly - deal?

Hi Guys,

I am Chandraiah. My company has offered me 25k rmb per month, and the location would be Shanghai.

I would like to know, if this is really sufficient for a family of three.

Also, what is the current rental trend, do we get a decent apartment(good if it is furnished) in 5K?

How about hospitals? Are they very expensive?. Can we be able to communicate with the doctors?

What would the income tax?

Please let me know.


firstly I would hope that the 25K was after Tax....,,, 5 K for an apartment ... depending where in Sh you want to live.....the larger hospitals have VIP areas... and I have found that many of both the doctors and Nurses speak and understand english...medical costs are expensive... your company should provide you with medical insurance... not just for you...but you wife and family...5 years ago 25 K would have just been average... but the cost of living in China  has increased considerably....ha ha I wouldn't come here to work for 25 K if I had a wife and family...I would want at least 33k

Hi Chandraiah,

   Welcome to China.
   It's expensive to live in Shanghai, more expensive than in Beijing. Rent an appartment for three will be 5000RMB, also there is difference between area. I think you have to be paid an insurence by your company if you work in China, it's chinese law.
  Income tax will be 4000(maybe more) if 25K per month.

I am not living in Shanghai, in a city called Qingdao

I explain your question if I know

Hi Guys,

Thanks for your valuable responses.

How about kinder gartens? Do we get some english schools at a lesser price?

There are many questions like, Do we get all the vegetables?, Indian restaurants?...

Please let me know.



You mean if you want to join your children to Kinder Garden school ?As my opinion Chinese Education so expensive .If your company provide its better .

If your company is serious about having anyone work in Shanghai they need to research cost better.  Offering you 25k to bring your family with school aged kids here is not right.  Schools like Concordia and Shanghai American school cost most of your salary each semester.  I know single people living at that income level in Shanghai but most are guys with girlfriend and the girlfriend is likely helping out with the rent. 

Food supply (quantity) is good but it's difficult to know what the source (quality) is like.  Children need additional activities and these all cost money.  Shanghai is one of the most expensive cities in the world so living on the sum you have mentioned will be a huge challenge.  Doing so with a wife and kids without medical insurance (in addition to the local insurance) is even more difficult. 

My advice is to ask for education and health insurance costs in addition to your salary.  Make sure the salary quoted is after tax.  Ask for a transportation benefit to get around Shanghai is a big city and to get to school, shopping and work is costly. 

It's a great city and an exciting place to live and work...good luck.